Chapter 1

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Jessica took a deep breath and walked into her brother's house. His dog Max came rushing to her barking and jumped up to give her kisses, "Hey Maxie, where are the guys?" Max barked and started heading to kitchen so she followed.

"Hey Lil Sis, this is a surprise, what's up?" her big brother Kota asked leaving the stove to hug her. His thirteen other best friends who they shared the mansion with came around and hugged her as well. She considered them to be her brothers as well since they all grew up together pretty much. Sure, they each showed up at different times throughout her life but they were her family and family was everything to her. She just hoped they didn't flip shit when she told them what she needed to tell them.

She sat down at the island and started spinning the pen that was on the counter while she tried to gather her courage. "So um, do you remember my friend Lynn that I went to college with?"

"Tiny little thing with brown hair that got married to that guy you had a bad feeling about?" North asked as he sat a bottle of water in front of her.

"Is she the one that stood up to Raven and told him to knock off his flirting because it would never happen?" Luke asked as he handed her a plate of lunch.

"Yes," Silas nodded, "She is the one that when Jess introduced us as her brothers she just said okay and went about her business with Jess instead of being confused like a lot of other people."

"Da," Raven grinned. "She no take fruit cup I tell her husband idiot and weak so no like I tell her I show how Queen be treated."

"So why are you asking us about Lynn?" Owen asked as he straightened his tie.

"Well," Jess sighed, "She's been cancelling lunch dates and then at work I've noticed some bruises but it's always the usual excuses about bumping into things, and some of those are believable because of her fibromyalgia but others don't add up. And when it comes to cancelling our dates it's always Robert's decision, he says they don't have the spare money and when I offer to pay it's well he isn't feeling well or he wants to suddenly spend time with her. He is cutting her away from me and I'm getting really worried. He's got her convinced that she needs to lose weight now and she's changing the way she use to dress. She's become someone he wants her to be and I don't like it."

"She's losing weight?" Sean asked and Jessica nodded. "She was already too skinny the last time I saw her, it's not healthy if she loses anymore."

"I kill him," Raven slammed his cup of coffee down. "I'm a professional Russian."

"Anyway," Jessica rolled her eyes at his comment, that was his go to phrase for anytime he didn't like someone but a part of her also knew he would do it in a heartbeat if it was for someone he cared about. "I confronted her about some of the stuff and how I was really worried about her and I told her that I knew all too well about this situation because of how we grew up. I told her that I knew it was ultimately her choice and if she ever decided to leave and needed help I would be there for her in a heartbeat. Kota, she had the same look as Mom when she thought it over." Kota groaned and ran his hand down his face. "She's scared he's going to kill her if she tries to leave," Jess said as she played with a fry on her plate. ""I told her I would help her sneak out of that was the best thing, whatever she chose to do I will help her but I may need you help also."

"Of course," Kota nodded. "We will be there."

"I kill him," Raven growled. "No touch Lynn no more. I kill him. I'm a professional Russian."

"You can't kill him Raven," Corey shook his head. "This isn't Russia."

"Da I make disappear. No find body no kill charge," Raven shrugged and Jess let slip a small giggle which caused Raven to grin.

"Thank you," Jess smiled sadly. "I just hope it won't come to that and it won't be too late before she reaches out to me."

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