Chapter 3

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Mike James

Ticking time bomb is all I could say. All these damn wedding preparations and shit. I love my baby I do, but damn all this wedding shit is overwhelming. Like what the fuck we need swatches for? Tf is a swatch? Is that a fake watch from the Flea Market? Let me google it.

What is a swatch? Is what I typed in. The paged loaded.

Swatch: a small sample of fabric intended to demonstrate the look of a larger piece

That's it?! She better get rid of them damn swatches. Fuck them swatches!

"Why you looking like that?" Mel asked. I didn't even hear them come in. Her kids went in EJ's room to play, while we got to working on the wedding plans.

"These damn swatchages." I said. She bust out laughing.

"The fuck is swatchages?" Dre asked.

"He means swatches." Quinta said, placing the wedding book on the table. That shit looked like a big ass book.

"Same difference." I said. I watched as Dre sat away from Quinta. I seen a flash of hurt flash through her eyes. Something definitely wasn't right with this picture, but shit I'm sippin' my tea right now.

Brit had invited everyone over to get help on some stuff and want not. I don't know why she invite Mel mean ass. Mel just don't have no filter.

"Thank you all for coming, but girls we are going to be in the room and y'all boys stay here and make sure everything is paid for and that dates, times, and prices are confirmed." Brit said. She better confirm if I'm going to be there because the way my money setup something got to go.

We quickly did what needed to be done and we sat around like dummies not doing a damn thing after that.

"Why you so quiet?" Ty asked Dre.

"I'm just tired." Was all he said.

"Lie." I said. "I sense the tension between you and Quinta. What's really going on?" I asked. He sighed before telling us the whole story.

"The fuck? Nigga you got a favorite cup, plate, and chair? I'm sorry, but Quinta need her ass beat. She needs to understand where you coming from. Yeah it's okay for him to visit, but if it's an everyday, all day thing, no, hell no, fuck no." I said. He sighed.

"Relationships are just too much work." He said. I agree with that. They are, but that's why you have to have communication in a relationship.

"Why don't y'all take a break from each other or just call it quits?" Ty asked. He shrugged.

"I'm thinking about that, but I want Chastity to be in a two parent home." He said. I shook my head.

"Fuck dot! You can't put your happiness ahead of anyone's. Its not fair to you nor Chastity." I said.

"I know." He sighed again. All this damn sighing.

"Chastity always over our house. I overheard her telling Mel that she don't like to go home because he's always there, telling Quinta mean things about you, and telling her what a little girl should and shouldn't do. That's why I told Mel to talk to you about it. If a child don't feel that love or need at home they going to find it somewhere else. Chastity looks up to you and I'm sure that she'd rather be with you then with Quinta and that's sad." Ty said. I shook my head. This shit here crazy.

"He been talking about me to Quinta? I never heard this. I don't know what I'm going to do." He said.

"Do what's best for you and your daughter." Ty said.

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