47-See You In A Week

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Finding out all of your fears are a reality sucks. 

Ever since I found my dad and learned he really wanted nothing else to do with me hurt worse than I thought it ever would. 

That small part that thought he would be happy to see me, I guess it was more than just a small part. 

I've been in a funk since that night. 

Which happens to be a week ago. 

Yep that means there are four days until spring break aka the Europe trip.

After my classes today I go to work. 

It's a lazy shift with only a few customers. Stevie uses that time to tell me all about her and Toby's weekend. 

He took her to his families lake house. I had no idea he had a lake house. 

Once work is over I make my way to Alex's house. 

I would go straight home but I don't really want to see my mom right now. Not after she kept such important information from me. 

Okay so maybe her own fears came true too. She was scared my dad would hurt me and she was right. 

I walk through the house and up the stairs to his room, dropping my bag by his bed. 

The bright lights shining through the curtain stop me. 

Oh my god. 

I run as fast as I can - yes I said run - down the stairs and out the sliding back door. 

I take in the lit up treehouse. 

No not fire lit up, it's wrapped in a bunch of twinkle lights. 

"You did this?" I ask, still standing in the yard. 

Alex nods from up in the treehouse, "Yeah, now get your sweet ass up here."

I walk up to the latter and up into the treehouse. 

I sit down next to Alex and he hands me a bottle of water. 

When I first walked up to the treehouse I noticed he set up a treehouse picnic for us. 

"What am I going to do without you for a week?" Alex asks and I snort, "Hang out with Toby."

He shudders making me laugh. 

"It's just one week and then we get to spend all the time in the world together. Well except when you go off to college." I say and he nods. 

"How are you doing? You know since your dads?" He asks and my smile falls. 

Way to kill the mood. 


I think if I had to describe how I feel in one word it would be disappointed. He was disappointing. 

"At the same time now that I've had time to think about it, I think it was good I went. I spent six years thinking he left and missed me. I held out hope for the dad I knew. Now I can just heal and move on" I say softly. 

Alex grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze. 

"So what's in the basket?" I ask and he leans back opening it up. 

"I made Mac and cheese, not organic of course." He says making me laugh. 

He unwraps the giant bowl before handing me a spoon. 

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