31-Beautiful Girl

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Twelve Years Ago...


I get to go to my new friend Cora's house today. 

I've never been to anyone else's house before. 

Well except my aunt Lorrie. 

She's probably my favorite person in the whole world. 

Every time I see her she brings me presents. 

I love my mom and dad too. 

They let me get ice cream every Friday after school. 

I've only been going to school for a month. That's what my mom says anyway. 

It means I have known my best friend Cora for one whole month. 

That's such a long time. 

My dad pulls up to their house. 

"Ready Liv?" He asks from the front seat. 

I nod, "Are you coming inside?" I ask, as he unbuckles his seatbelt. 

I don't want him to come inside, I'm a big girl now. 

I'm six years old.

"I'm just walking you up to the door, are you sure you want to stay the night?" He asks. 

"It's my first sleepover daddy, I'll be fine."

He smiles, "You are so brave my angel."

Getting out of the car he comes and helps me out of my seat. 

My hand in his, he walks us up to the front door. 

He knocks and the door open. 

Cora's mom answers. 

"Hi Liv." She greets letting me walk inside. 

Her and my dad talk for a moment and I decide to walk through the house. 

I set my bag down on the ground when I come up to sliding doors. 

Peering outside I see a boy. 

From here I see he's got blond hair like Cora. 

He looks young and he's dangling his legs off the ledge.

He's going to fall. 

I open the door and walk outside. 

"You're going to fall if you sit like that." I say to him. 

His head snaps up as I approach, that's when I notice his dark blue eyes. 


"You're going to fall if you sit like that." A girls voice says from somewhere in the backyard. 

I've had a bad day today. 

I got nervous when the teacher made us present our projects in front of the class. 

I didn't want to do it but she made me. 

She doesn't understand how it makes me feel. 

No one does. 

I lift my head when I hear her shoes walk across the grass. 

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