20-Confessions And Promises

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Yes I was currently headed to his house

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Yes I was currently headed to his house.

I wanted answers and I wanted them now.

Oof that sounded so cringy but it's true.

I needed to know why he had cut me off like that.

I also maybe sort of want to kiss him again.

Nope not happening Liv.

The afternoon sun beats down on me as I walk fast, I don't run though.

I hate running.

Cora is with Landon today, they're at his parents fancy pants lunch thingy.

I forgot what she called it.

Alex's parents worked today as well and as I get closer and closer to the house I prayed he isn't at the park.

My prayers are answered when I head inside and up the stairs.

His door is open and he's sitting on the bed reading a book.

"Alex I need to talk to you." I say straight forward.

He slowly closes his book and stands up from the bed.

"Treehouse?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I have a question, and all I need you to do is answer it honestly." I say and he nods.

I take a deep breath.

Just rip the metaphorical band-aid off Olivia.

"What happened two years ago?" I ask and his brows furrow.

"What are you talking about?"

I roll my eyes, "You know what I'm talking about. One minute we were ok and then the next you hated me, then we were ok again. I am just confused."

He sighs, "It doesn't matter."

"Does too." Oh gosh I sound like a five year old.

"Just leave it the fuck alone." He says getting irritated.

I shake my head, refusing to let it go.

"Tell me." I demand.

He narrows his eyes at me to drop it but to heck with that.

"Alexander I swear to god-"

"Because I fucking loved the way you looked at me and I hated it. I hated the way you could make me feel because I knew one day you would realize you deserved better. That just like everyone else in my miserable fucking life you would eventually abandon me. Everyone else I could handle but you, fuck, Liv I wouldn't have survived it. I knew I had to cut you off because I couldn't wait for you to do it." He says his chest heaving up and down.

Something about his confession gets me all riling up.

"Are you serious?" I ask and he gives me a puzzled look.

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