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Currently I am laying in Alex's bed, my legs are stretched out in front of me and my back rests against the wall.

Alex's head rests on my thighs his legs out in front of him on the bed. 

My fingers run through his blond waves as he scrolls through his phone.

Today is our lazy day. Neither of us have anything going on. 

Cora's out with Landon and his parents are working, leaving us home alone. 

Not that we are going to do anything anyway.

I wrap a curl around one of my fingers before letting it go. 

God I love his hair.

I wonder what our kids would look like?

Would they have his golden blond hair or my chestnut brown hair. 

What about their eyes would they have his dark blue eyes or my deep green eyes?

Maybe it would be a mix between the two of us. 

Aww how cute would that be?

"What are you thinking about?" He asks before setting his phone on the nightstand.

His blue eyes meet mine and I shake my head.

"Its embarrassing."

He rolls his eyes before rubbing the exposed skin on my side. 

I sigh "Ok fine I was thinking about what our kid would look like."

Alex sits up beside me, "Our kid?"

I nod, "Well in the future, the very distant future but yeah."

"How many kids do you want?" he asks and I shrug, "I'm not sure. Why? How many do you want?"

"Five." He says and I almost fall off the bed. 

"Five?" I sputter out and he nods. 


He laughs, "Well for starters I want a mini you. Brown hair green eyed little girl. Then you but a boy obviously. One with blond hair and green eyes and the other with brown hair and blue eyes."

"What about a mini you?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

"Well I would want one so I guess we'd have to make it six."

"Six kids?"

I nod, "I just know they will be a handful just like you."

"Just like me huh?" Alex asks mischievously. 

I fall back onto the bed and Alex comes to hover over me. 

He kisses my neck before blowing raspberries. 

I squeal, "Alex." I laugh as he tickles my sides making me squirm. 

"Stop it tickles." l laugh and he kisses my neck again before lifting my shirt. 

He crawls down and I then just as I think he's going to kiss my stomach he blows raspberries over my belly button. 

"Alexander." I giggle and he laughs before pulling my shirt back down and laying beside me. 

I straddle him, placing my hands on his chest. 

"You know this position makes me think lots and lots of naughty thoughts pretty girl." Alex says and I can feel how hard he is against me. 

Too bad for him, my lower region is closed for business this week. 

"Five more days." I say before kissing his neck. 

He groans, "Fuck it's torture."

"At least you aren't the one bleeding from your vagina." I remind him. 

He throw his head back, "But I have blue balls."

"And I have cramps. At least we suffer together." I say and he leans up to kiss me on the lips. 

I lay back down beside him, "We can watch the last two Harry Potters." I offer and he nods. 

Grabbing his lap top from the nightstand I turn it on.

* * *

Later that day after many, many tears I head back home to have dinner with Mom and Bear. 

"How was Cora?" My mom asks and I shrug, "She's good."

So I might have lied a teensy bit about who I was going over to see. 

My mom has voiced a few times that she thinks I spend too much time with Alex so I have been saying that I am going to see Cora. 

When in actuality most of the time Cora is at her own boyfriends house. 

Don't get me wrong we still hang out though but just not as much as my mom thinks.

"She came into my shop with this skinny guy today. I didnt see you." Bear says, totally throwing me under the bus.

Thanks dude.

My moms purses her lips, "So you were with Alex?"

I sigh, "Yes mom I was with Alex."

She nods before continuing eating.

Great the silent treatment. 

Once dinner is over I head upstairs to shower before going to my room. 

I text Cora letting her know how busted I was and she claimed that she didn't know he owned that music store. 

As if we have a bunch in this town anyway. 

For some reason sleep doesn't come easy to me. 

Because of that the next day in school I am a total mess. 

I woke up late and barely had time to change. 

I'm wearing the only leggings I could find which are these obnoxiously bright pink ones Cora got me last year paired with one of Alex's hoodies. 

My hair is in a lumpy ass pony tail and I am pretty sure my chucks look so stupid with these leggings. 

"What's going on with all this?" Cora asks gesturing to my ensemble. 

I groan as I sit down, "I overslept."

"Late night with the boyfriend?" Naomi asks and I shake my head, "I wish."

At lunch I sit with Alex and his friends. 

"Whoah." Toby says covering his eyes, "Those pants are too bright."

I flip his off, "Shut up."

"I didn't know hot pink was your color pompoms." Willy jokes.

Alex sits beside me, "What is up with those leggings?"

"They were all I could find this morning after I slept through my alarm."

"I'd pay you money to burn those." Toby says getting me to laugh. 

They are really ugly. 

After school I take a nap before having to have to dinner again with mom and Bear. 

There is something weird going on tonight with them. 

They're super quiet and their chairs are so far apart. 

I dont think too much of it as I eat dinner.

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