49-Texas Air

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The moment we step off of the plan Cora takes a giant breath in. 

"Texas air." She sighs releasing that breath of air. 

I roll my eyes but I have to admit the air is different. 

We get our luggage before waiting outside the terminal. 

Sarah is coming to pick us up and I am sure Alex came along. 

No scratch that I know he came along. 

"I cant wait to upload all of these pictures." Cora squeals as she scrolls through her camera roll. 

She decided to wait until we got home to post any pictures. She wanted to look through them all first and find the best ones. 

Sarah's car pulls up and we walk towards it. 

Alex gets out and immediately wraps his arms around me. 

I hug him back, missing his warmth around me. 

"That was the longest week of my life." He sighs and Cora snorts, "Dramatic much?"

"I missed you." he whispers making me smile, "I missed you too."

We get into the car and Sarah drives us come. 

"So how was it?" She asks from the drivers seat. 

Cora sits beside her in the passenger seat and Alex and I sit in the back. 

His arm is thrown over my shoulder, and his face is nuzzled into me neck.

"Liv got hit on my some guy." Cora teases and Alex shoots up in his seat. 

I try to hold back my laugh. "Who? What did he look like?" He practically growls. 

Cora looks back at us, "Oh he was super tall, and that hair. Wow." 

On the second day Cora, Naomi and I ran into a guy. 

He was tall and he was balding. 

He asked for my number, and I gave him a fake one. 

Nothing else happened but clearly Cora finds it funny messing with Alex like this. 

"Oh and he asked your girlfriend for her number." 

Alex looks at me, "Did you give it to him?"

I roll my eyes, "Seriously?"

"Cora stop teasing your brother." Sarah says and Cora's jaw drops. 

"But mom it's so fun. He gets all red and the vein on his neck becomes prominent."

"So there was no guy?" Alex asks. 

"I mean there was but no I did not give him my number." I say and he nods. 

Cora tucks a piece of hair behind her ear and I see Alex's eyes widen. 

"You got a tattoo." He says and Sarah looks over at Cora before looking back at the road. 

"Cora did you?" She asks, her voice serious. 

She slowly nods, "Liv and I got matching ones."

Way to throw me under the bus.

"You got one too? Let me see." Alex says and I move my hair away so he can see it. 

His fingers slowly trace the tattooed daisy. 

It's bring back memories to the first time we met. 

When I showed him my fake tattoo on my arm and his fingers had traced over it. 

Sarah pulls up at the house and Cora and I head upstairs to shower. 

She showers first then I do. 

After that Alex and I head to the park to meet up with the guys and Stevie. 

"Hey pompoms." Willy says, waving at me. 

Alex gives him a glare. 

He's still a little pissy about the incident. 

I give Willy a wave back. 

"I want to see all the pictures." Stevie says and we sit down at the picnic table. 

I pull out my phone and show her some pictures.

The guys crowd around us, clearly wanting to see some of the pictures too. 

"Naomi was with you guys?" Ben asks when I get to a picture with the three of us. 

I nod, "She tagged along for the first few days." I say swiping through more and more pictures. 

I show them the giant hotel we stayed at, the cafe on the corner and this little art museum we went to. 

Swiping through I also show them the matching tattoos Cora and I got, and this really good soft serve we tried as well. 

After we get through all the pictures the guys go off to skate. 

"Can you pull me around?" I ask Alex and he nods. 

I get on the board and he drags me around the park.

Stevie takes a video of us, sending it to me. 

* * *

When we get back to the house Cora tells me she has exciting news.

"Whats up?" I ask as I plop down onto the bed. 

"So while you were at the park I ran into Landon." She hesitates and I can already see where this conversation is heading. 

"We talked it out and, we're back together." She gives me a weak smile and I sigh. 


She cuts me off, "Liv it was a mistake ok? I love him and I cant give up on him because of one mistake."

"Sweetie I love Alex but if he ever cheated on me I could never get back with him. Especially knowing what he did and that he could do it again. It would always be in the back of my mind."

She shakes her head, "But thats you Liv. I dont completely forgive him yet, I told him he would have to work back my trust but I cant just forget all the times we shared together. 

Even though I dislike Landon I don't press on the subject anymore. 

it's clear she made up. her mind and nothing I can say will change how she feels. 

I just pray he doesn't hurt her again because unlike this time I'll call his ass out. 

Cora lays out on her bed and I lay beside her. 

It's late and the only light we have is from the small lamp beside her bed. 

"You want to listen to music?" She asks and I nod before grabbing my phone and ear phones. 

I hand her one before opening up Spotify. 

Picking my playlist I shuffle the songs.

"We're going to have so much fun at prom." She says as one of the songs starts to play. 

I nod, "Yeah we are."

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