19-Needing Answers

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Six Years Ago

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Six Years Ago...

"Dad!" I call from the entry way of the house.

I drop my school bag to the ground and it lands with a loud thunk.

I only saw my moms car out front but my dad is always here when I get home from school.

When I don't get a response I call out for him again.

I don't even hear my mom but she's always sleeping.

Dad said the kind of drink she likes makes her sleepy.

I don't get why she would drink it if it makes her sleepy.

I heard her and dad fight about it a few times. That drink makes him talk to other women I guess.

My mom doesn't like when he talks to other women who aren't her. I think it makes her drink her drink more.

I wasn't stupid, naive sometimes, but not stupid. I knew it was alcohol even if my dad removed the labels.

When I walk into the kitchen I see my mom sitting down leaning against the cabinets. She's got her favorite drink in her hands.


"Where's dad?" I ask and she looks up at me.

Her face is all red and blotchy. She's been crying.

I hate it when mom cries.

"He's gone." She says which confuses me.

"Gone where?" I ask.

Maybe he went to pick up dinner. Usually he brings me with him but it could be a surprise.

"He left us Olivia. He got that bitch pregnant and wants to marry her. We are nothing to him now do you understand?" She asks, her voice is really scary.

I shake my head.

She must have dreamt it because dad wouldn't leave me.

He would never do that because he's my dad and he knows I need him.

"Go stay at your little friends house tonight. What's her name? Coral?"

"Cora." I correct and she nods waving the drink in the air.

"Yeah go stay with her."

I shift from foot to foot nervously.

Why doesn't she want me here?

"I - could you give me a ride? Dad always-"

She cuts me off, "Walk. Now go."

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