15-Nilla Wafers

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Today I am forcing Alex to watch The Hunger Games

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Today I am forcing Alex to watch The Hunger Games.

I almost fell out of my seat yesterday when he told me he had never seen it.

Who hasn't seen The Hunger Games?

Anyways my mom is home so I am going over to his house to watch it.

I pack my bag knowing I'll just stay the night over there with Cora.

Her and Landon are out today doing, well, whatever couples do when we don't have school on a Tuesday.

It's a teachers work day so whoop whoop no school.

Honestly its sort of weird they didnt have it on a monday.

So instead of just going to school Tuesday to Friday this week, we went yesterday and then Wednesday to Friday.

After Alex and I talked out what happened on Friday we were back to...friends?

I guess that's what we are.

I also didnt get into too much trouble at school after the fight with Naomi.

Principle Miller just gave Naomi and I detention Wednesday to Friday this week.

Lunch detention to be specific, our school doesn't have after school detention.

When I walk down the stairs I see my mom passed out on the couch.

I give her a kiss on the forehead before leaving.

When I step out onto the sidewalk I see Martha watering her flowers by the mailbox.

"Hey." I say waving at her.

"Off to your friends house?" She asks and I nod.

At first her and Ed would ask where I was going. Now they kinda just know.

It's always the same, me going to Cora's.

I go to turn around but her voice stops me.

"Oh Ed wanted to talk you about hours. If you want you can come over for dinner tomorrow and we can discuss it." She says.

"Ok, sure." I say and she gives me a warm smile.

When I get to the house I go to Cora's room first to drop off my bag.

Alex is already in his room sitting on his bed.

"Ready?" I ask holding my computer up.

He scoots over so I can fit onto the bed as well.

"You know we don't have snacks." I say as I get comfy beside him.

He sighs, "Do you want me to make popcorn?"

I shrug, "Only if you want."

He grumbles, getting off the bed and heading down stairs.

While Alex makes the popcorn I pull up the movie.

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