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Our plane just landed on European soil. 

The whole flight Cora was going on and on about what's planned. 

Basically since it's a school sanctioned trip we have an outlined itinerary we sort of have to follow. 

It's pretty loose though. We just have to make sure we are there for breakfast and then back at six for dinner. 

The whole day though we have to explore which is super cool. 

Since there is obviously a time difference we landed at nine o'clock at night. 

Which means we are going straight to our hotel to sleep and the exploring begins tomorrow. 

"Finally." Cora says as she falls down onto one of the beds. 

We made sure to sign up for a shared room. 

I set my bag down before sitting on the other bed. 

"Do you know if we can call people?" She asks and I shrug. 

Cora sits up, "Because I want to text a picture to my mom, but will it cost me money?"

I laugh, "I have no idea."

"Ok why are you laughing? I know Alex has probably sent you like a bajillion texts."

"We can ask Mrs. Dupree tomorrow." I offer and she nods. 

"Now lets shower, so we can go to bed." I say, exhausted. 

We take turns in the shower before calling it a night. 

* * * 

The next morning we head down stairs for breakfast. 

Day one I decided to wear a baby blue sun dress, Cora decided on white denim shorts and a pink crop top. 

"Hey guys." Naomi says, plopping down beside us. 

Have I mentioned that she was on this trip too? 

"Hey." Cora says before eating another spoon full of cereal.

"So what's planned for today?" Naomi asks and I furrow my brows, "What are you talking about?"

"What are the three of us doing today?"

Umm...when did we decide it would be the three of us?

"The two of us." I point between Cora and I, "Are sight seeing."

Naomi snorts, "Everyone is sight seeing."

"Maybe we should just let her join us." Cora says, leaning close so Naomi cant hear.

I sigh, it's just one day right?

"Fine, you can come with us today." I say and Naomi smiles, "Great."

That's how I spend day one of the trip. Stuck listening to Naomi go on and on about things I could careless about. 

Luckily we still had the rest of the week, hopefully to our selves. 

Especially because on day four we plan on getting our matching tattoos. 

Cora had already researched the place she wanted us to go to for it. 

Day two ends up the same way day one did. 

yep Naomi tagged along with us once again. This time she ended up making us take a detour from our original plans. 

Day three however Cora and I actually got to go out on our own. 

"We should go in there." She says, pointing to a small cafe on the corner. 

We walk inside and order before sitting down at one of the tables outside. 

"I think we should get a flower behind our ear." She says pointing to the skin behind her ear. 

I nod, "What kind of flower?"

"I think it should be just our favorite one you know? Like I could get a rose and you could get a daisy." She offers. 

"That sounds like a plan."

* * * 

The next day Cora and I lay on the table as we get our very first tattoos. The only one I will ever get.

"This is so excited." She beams as the two girls prep the skin for the tattoo. 

It ends up being slightly painful but bearable. 

Cora has us take loads of pictures of the two tattoos before we head back to the hotel for dinner. 

Later that night we lay in our separate beds looking up at the ceiling. 

"Bro my mom is going to kill me when she sees the tattoo."

I turn to look at her. 

"It was your idea."

Cora looks over at me.

"I know and I dont regret it, that doesn't mean she isn't going to ground me or some shit."

I laugh, "I have no idea how my mom is going to react." I admit. 

Lord knows with her. 

"I'm still bummed about prom." She sighs and I know what she means. 

Landon was supposed to take her to prom, before everything. 

"You can be my date." I offer and she shakes her head, "You're going with Alex."

"So?" I raise an eyebrow, "We can all go together."

"He'll want you all to himself."

"He can deal." I say. 

I dont want her spending prom alone, sitting at a table by herself. 

She groans, "It's like the reverse from the beginning of the year."

"What do you mean?"

"Well now I'm the single one and you're in a relationship." She says and I nod. 

"It's ok to be single though."

"I know, but I haven't been in what feels like forever."

They had been dating since the beginning of freshman year and now it was close to the end of junior year. 

"You deserve someone better, trust me one day you'll find it." I tell her honestly. 

She nods, "I hope so."

* * * 

Day five is spent on a freaking boat ride. 

How cool is that?

I take a bunch of photos and videos to show Alex and Stevie when we get home. 

On day six, our full day to do something Cora has us go to this sight seeing spot to take pictures together. 

We both wear sun dresses and she straightens her hair. 

The pictures come out really good. We are by the sort of brick wall and behind us is the bright blue sky. 

"Now another one." Cora says and we get into another pose. 

After about five thousand pictures later we end up going to this little restaurant for lunch. 

I take some pictures of my food and so does Cora. 

* * *

The following day we pack our things to head back to Texas. 

"I cant wait to show everyone my tan." She says holding out her arms. 

Walking around in the sun for six days gave both of us a tan. 

Once we board the plan Cora sits beside me, insisting on the window seat. 

"I'm going to miss it." She says and I agree as the plane takes off. 

Damaged HeartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon