52-Proud Of You

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Alex is graduating today.

He's going to walk across the stage and get his diploma.

I have never been more excited for anything in my life.

Watching the man I am in love with get to start this amazing new chapter in his life, watching him close one.

It makes something flutter deep inside me.

"We are leaving in ten minutes." Sarah calls out.

Alex is already at the school.

I had caught a glimpse of him this morning in his dress shirt and pants.

It's like prom all over again.

Alex in a suit made too many parts of me throb.

Hell Alex in anything really.

I grab my purple dress I had hanging up in Cora's closet.

Taking my clothes off I slip it on before tying up my converse.

My hair is in its natural straight state.

I head down stairs, my purse in hand.

"You look beautiful Liv." Sarah says from the kitchen.

I take in her green flowy dress.

"So do you." I say, and Cora enters the room.

She's in jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

"Where's dad." She asks and I realize Carl wasn't down stairs.

Sarah points up stairs, "Still getting ready."

A few minutes pass before I see Carl walk down the stairs.

"ready to go?" He asks and we head out.

The three of them rode together while I head over to Morgan.

When I get to the high school I check in before finding my seat.

Cora comes to sit beside me followed by her parents.

The ceremony starts and one by one names are called.

"Tobias Barnes." Mr Shields says into the microphone.

Toby walks across the stage, accepting his diploma.

He has a goofy smile on his face and I watch him point over to Stevie in the crowd.

"William Huckleberry."

I watch as he accepts his diploma as well.

When I know Alex is about to go across I whip out my phone.

"Alexander Stevens."

I cheer as he walks across the stage.

His eyes meet mine and I give him a thumbs up before mouthing, 'I love you.'

'I love you too.' He mouths back and honestly I am surprised he could see my mouth from up there.

He heads up with the rest of his graduating class and I hear Mr. Shields call out the last name in the friend group.

"Benjamin Witiker."

He pushes his glasses up as he saunters down the stage.

Once everyone has received their diploma they gather together for the cap toss.

I watch him turn his tassels before they have them all throw their caps into the air.

After they all get their caps they have family and friends head out side and wait for the graduates.

My boyfriend is a high school graduate soon to be college student.

I stand outside and wait for him to exit the building.

The moment I see his blond hair I head straight towards him.


After the ceremony the first person I see is Liv.

She races up to me, jumping up into my arms.

I wrap my arms around her, holding her tight.

She looks down at me, the brightest smile across her face.

A smile meant for me.

"You did it." She beams and I nod.

Then she crashes her lips down onto mine.

The kiss isn't long enough but we'll save one of those for later.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispers against my lips.

A wide smile breaks out onto my face.

That was the first time anyone has ever told me they were proud of me.

The fact that it came from Liv made it ten times better than anything I could've imagined.

I knew it was true coming from her lips.

I set her down when my family comes over.

"Look at you, a high school graduate. I never thought you'd do it." Cora jokes, giving me a side hug.

"Good job honey." My mom says kissing my cheek.

My dad nods at me.

"Picture time." My mom announces and I take too many pictures.

Some with Cora, Liv, the guys.

Then Liv takes one while I stand with my family.

"See you at home." My mom says before her, my dad and Cora leave.

Olivia comes up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me in for another kiss.

Fucking cotton candy.

"Your moms making organic tuna casserole." She says against my lips making me chuckle.

I tuck some hair behind her ear.

"Wanna make a pitstop at the treehouse before dinner?" I ask and she nods.

Taking her hand in mine we begin to walk over to my car.

"So I was thinking-" She starts before her ringing phone cuts her off.

Reaching into her purse she pulls out her phone.

"Hmm I wonder who's number this is." She says showing me the screen.

I shrug, "Are you going to answer it?" I ask and she shakes her head.

That is until the phone stops and then starts ringing all over again.

With a sigh Liv swipes the answer bar before holding it to her ear.

"Hello?" She asks and then I feel her stiffen.

She stops walking, now rooted in place.

I furrow my brows looking down at her as I see her nod her head.

"Yes....Ok.....I'll be there...bye."

She hangs up the phone, her green eyes meeting mine.

"What?" I ask, my voice full of concern.

She sucks in a deep breath.

"It was my dad."

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