38-Want To See It All With You

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"Happy New Year." Alex says over the phone. 

It's actually two a.m. but this was the only time I could call Alex tonight. 

I was forced to spend New Years watching Bear and my mom suck face in the Living room as we watched the ball drop on tv. 

Not my favorite moment.

"Happy New Year." I say back as I pull the covers over me. 

"You're still coming over tomorrow?" He asks, his voice sounds tired. 

This is a late night for Alex. 

Haha imagine thinking two in the morning is late. 

"Yeah, plus my mom and Bear have a meeting tomorrow so she can't hound me on where I am going anyways."

A few days after Willa left I talked to my mom about having some space. I may have hinted that looking for a new job was something she should spend some of her time doing. 

She agreed so hopefully I will have more time to be with people other than my mom and Bear. 

Well at least he disappears Monday through Friday to run his music store. 

I still haven't checked it out yet. 

"Cora brought Landon over for New Years and the idiot popped the popper ten seconds to early." Alex tells me and I laugh. 

"Sounds like something he would do."

"My mom ended up giving Landon her popper because he was just standing there looking at the confetti on the floor."

"Oh god." I say laughing some more. 

I hear Alex yawn.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him as I switch off my lamp.

"Ok, I love you." He says and I smile, "I love you too, goodnight."

We hang up and I go to sleep. 

When I wake up at around two in the afternoon the next day I spend the day making sure I have all my work done for the next semester.

The next day I get dressed to go to Alex's house. 

I wear a pair of black leggings and one of my own hoodies. 

It feels weird not wearing one of Alex's hoodies. 

When I get to the house I notice it's extremely quiet. 

"Alex." I say as I open his door. 

He sits up on the bed, "Hey."

I walk over and sit in front of him.

"My parents are at work and Cora is out with Landon." Alex informs me. 

He scratches the nape of his neck as he looks down. 

"You okay?" I ask and he nods, "Yeah I just- hold on."

Reaching behind him in the nightstand he pulls out a small square box. 

He opens it and I see a small silver band with a baby pink stone. 

"Are you proposing right now?" I ask, my voice laced with concern.

He shakes his head and I feel like I can breathe easier again. 

Not that I don't want to marry Alex but I definitely don't want to be one of those girls who gets married in high school. 

"It's a promise ring."

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