37-Chocolate Chip Or Oatmeal?

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Willa leaves in four days. 

Today is currently December twenty third. 

Which means I have less than a week with her. 

There was a change in plans. She is now leaving on the twenty six instead of the twenty seventh.

I'm spending Christmas Eve with my mom and Bear and then Christmas Day with the Stevens' which means really I only have two days left with her. 

I promised her I wouldn't cry but thats a lie I know when she leaves I'll be a blubbering mess. 

I honestly cant help it she's someone I will always be glad I got to be friends with. 

Even if it was just for a short time. 

Today Cora and I are taking Willa to the mall. 

This way I can spend time with her while getting last minute presents. 

I already got Alex a present. 

When I saw it I knew I had to get it for him. I took it out of my car funds but thats okay, Alex is worth it. 

"We should get some of those fried noodles for lunch later." Cora says as we enter the mall. 

Cora heads straight over to the perfume section, "I need to get my mom a present." She says. 

Willa and I follow and watch as Cora goes through perfume after perfume before finding the 'perfect one'

After that we enter a clothing store and Cora goes wild. 

I swear that girl loves clothes more than anything else in her life.

"Any special plans with Alex during Christmas break?" Willa asks, wiggling her eyebrows. 

I shake my head, "I am going over there for Christmas morning but my moms been monopolizing my time."

That is so close to the truth its scary. She insists I have ever dinner there and she's always asking me to hang out with her.

Alex tells me to tell her I already had plans with him but I feel guilty about lying. 

"Tell her to back off." Cora calls out as she grabs a dress and puts it against the front of her. 

"She's my mom Cora."

"And?" she asks turning to look at me. Her blonde hair whipping behind her. 

"My mom and I are close and even then we aren't 'lets hang out twenty four seven like those creepy my moms my best friend' type of relationship."

"Well Alex did call January second so I guess its not all the time." I offer. 

She blows raspberries, "Then I call you for, forever after that."

I laugh, "Take it up with my mom."

"I will."

We shop around a little more before going to the food court for lunch. 

"So I have an update about the last day we were supposed to spend together." Willa says hesitantly. 

Both Cora and I look up at her. 

"My dad says the flight is leaving three hours earlier, so I'll only get to see you guys that morning before I leave."

"No." I say and she nods, "I know."


Christmas Eve I spend listening to Bear and my mom yammer on and on about whether chocolate chip or oatmeal cookies are better. 

What kind of competition is that?

Chocolate chip all the way. 

I take a bite of my chocolate chip cookie as I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. 

Opening it I see Alex texted me. 

Alexander the Great: Cora told me about your cookie debate. who's arguing for oatmeal?

Me: Bear, he claims its healthier and tastes better. 

Alexander the Great: tell him to shove his warmed baby food up his ass

Me: oatmeal really is warmed baby food isn't it?

Alexander the Great: it is, and anyone who likes oatmeal scares me

Me: so you're the leader of the oatmeal hate committee?

Alexander the Great: ever since my mom tried to force me to eat banana oatmeal when I was five

Me: ew

"It's time to open presents." My mom says and I put my phone back into my pocket. 

I walk over to the fake Christmas tree and sit down. 

We pass presents between the three of us and my mom watches as I open my first one. 

"Oh a MP3 player." I say. 

They still make these?

She nods, "For all that music you listen to."

When she opens her's I see her face falter slightly before it returns to that smile she has plastered on all the time now. 

"A mug." She says and I nod, "For your tea."

She hums. 

The rest of the presents are opened and I text Alex to tell him about the MP3 player I received. 

He asked me what I was already thinking, 'they still make those?'


The next day I head over to Alex's house for Christmas Day. 

We eat breakfast before his mom has us sit in the living room to open presents. 

"Cherry shades?" Cora asks as she turns to look at me. 

She's had her eye on these red tinted sun glasses for weeks. I knew I had to get them for her. 

"thank you." She says pulling me into a hug before handing me a present she got me. 

It's a signed CD from 'Cage The Elephant'.

I give her another hug before passing Alex the present I got him.

He opens it revealing a gold chained bracelet with a cracked but not broken heart pendent. 

No one else knows what it means but us. 

"Thanks baby." he says before pecking my lips. 

Cora fake gags and her parents laugh. 

Alex hands me my present and when I open it I gasp. 

"You got me tickets to see Harry Styles?" I ask and he nods, "I got us tickets to go see him."

I tackle him into a hug. 

I spend the rest of the day over hanging out with everyone. 

We watch Christmas movies which I freaking love. 

Sarah makes an 'organic' ham for dinner. 

* * *

The next day we all go to say goodbye to Willa. 

We meaning, Cora, Alex, Stevie, Toby, Willy, Ben, and I. 

"Text me all the time." She says to me as we hug. 

Then she hugs Ben, whispering something in his ear. 

She waves at all of us before getting into the car and her dad drives off. 

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