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I swear this girl is fucking crazy. 

The moment her mom revealed she knew where Liv's dad was she was set on giving him a piece of her mind. 

Which is what we are doing. 

We are driving the two hour car ride to his house, so Liv can tell him off. 

I am behind her one hundred percent, I kind of want to see her kick his ass. 

Hell I want to kick his ass. 

"I can't believe she knew this whole time and didn't tell me, how could she?" Liv clenches the wheel, her knuckles turning white. 

The only reason I am letting her drive right now is because she is a safe driver. 

Even being as upset as she is, Liv is driving the speed limit. 

"And don't even get me started on the asshole of the fucking century. He couldn't even send me a birthday card but had time to meet my mom for coffee."

She turns onto the highway. 

"You know one thing I never understood was why didnt he take me with him? Why did he leave me with her?" Liv's voice cracks at the end.

It's the one thing that eats away at her. Her 'ugly truth' she once called it. 

The feelings of not being good enough, always being deserted. 

Her dad may have planted that seed inside of her but when I pushed her away two years ago I helped it bloom. 

It's one of my biggest regrets. 

"I mean we had a good relationship before that, great even. Then one day he was just able to hop out of my life like that." She snaps her fingers. "Not a note or card for me. An explanation would've been nice you know."

I sit quietly and listen to her rant. I know she needs this.

"That's the first thing I am going to ask him, how the hell he could just leave his eleven year old daughter with his drunk ass wife. I get he got some bitch-" She winces, "Sorry she could be nice, I get he got some woman pregnant but was it such a burden to take me with him?"

The song changes and Liv mutes the music. 

"While I was sitting there stuck taking care of my mom he was off happy with his new family. I have a sister he neglected to tell me about. I guess he couldn't since he was gone." She groans. 

Liv continues her rant for the whole two-ish hour drive to her dads place. 

We eventually pull up onto a gravel driveway and Liv parks behind a SUV. 

"This has to be in." She says looking up at the brick house. 

The sun is beginning to set and I notice a porch light on.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I ask unbuckling my seat belt. 

Liv shakes her head, her brown hair whipping around. 

"I need to do this alone."

She finally turns to me, "I'll be back in a few minutes." She says before leaning over the center console and giving me a chaste kiss on the cheek.

Liv fumbles with her own seatbelt before I watch her take a deep breath and get out of the car. 

She slowly makes her way to the front door and I watch as she raises her fist in the air - like she's about to knock on the door - before pushing. 

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