Season 3: Episode 25 - Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 2

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Episode 25 – Wedding Bells in Duckburg Part 2

Ducktales Intro Remix

In Duckburg's church, the Duck-McDuck family were together getting things ready for the wedding with help from Violet, Lena, Panchito, Jose, Gladstone and Fethry while Donald and Daisy were in their separate waiting rooms with Mabel and Julia getting their tuxedos and wedding dress ready.

Music was playing via the speakers in the background as Huey kept track of everything while holding his clipboard and pen.

Huey: Ok, let's move it people. We have less than 10 hours to set everything up for the wedding.

April, May, and Violet were tending to the flowers. April and Violet attached white flowers around the edges of the pews while May put up red and pink flowers around the arch at the top of the stage.

Fethry was placing notecards on the seats.

Jose and Panchito were walking over with a grand piano.

Dewey, Louie, Webby, Lena, June and Launchpad were in the massive dining room which doubled as a dancing room, setting up decorations and getting things ready. There was a big dance floor in between the table and the stage for a band.

Huey: Huey was walking around checking everyone's progress. Ok, let's check everyone's progress. Ladies, how are we on the flowers.

May: The girls happily present their work. They're looking just as pretty as ever!

Huey: Huey checked that of the list. Great. How are we doing with the assigned seating in the front row of the pews?

Fethry: Me, Gladstone, Uncle Scrooge, Aunt Matilda, Uncle Ludwig, and the grandparents will be sitting on the left while, Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Mrs B and Launchpad sit on the right

Huey: Perfect!

Panchito and Jose came up with the piano, setting it down for a bit to rest their aching fingers.

Panchito: Ay caramba! This piano weighs a tone! If only those workers that helped us load it up into the truck could've helped us unload it.

Jose: Jose places a hand on his friend. Remember Panchito, my friends. It's for Donald and Daisy's big wedding. Don't you want to make our brother-in-arms and his amore happy?

Panchito: But, of course!

Huey: Huey came over. Oh, good! Is that the new piano the church ordered?

Jose: Yes it is. It was nice of Scrooge to pay for it. He never usually pays anything for anyone.

Panchito: Well, why wouldn't he? It's his nephew's big day, finally tying the knot with Seniorita Daisy.

Jose: That's an occasion I'm looking forward to!

Huey: Well, we got less than 10 hours until then.

Beakely: Beakely walked up. Here, I'll help you bring that in.

Panchito: Gracias Mrs Beakely.

Beakely effortlessly lifts up the piano and walks in the church with Panchito and Jose by his side. At that moment Della came in with a van.

Della: I got the food!

Huey: Great Mom! What about the wedding cake?

Della: Della comes out. Oh, Gladstone's bringing that in.

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