Season 2: Episode 23 - Golden Spear Part 1

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Episode 23 – Golden Spear Part 1

Deep inside a boiling, smoky and fiery cave in Death Valley, one of the Nordic places Donald, Scrooge and Della had gone to during their earlier, Donald lay shackled and imprisoned in an upside down cage hanging from the ceiling. He speaks to the audience wearing his world-travelling attire.

Donald: Now I know what you're thinking: "Oh no, Donald's in a cage, how the heck did this happen?" Well, sometimes you have to get yourself captured in order to get answers. Long story short, you know I'm a hero right? I fight robots, monsters, incredibly powerful beings, save the planet a couple of times, you get how it works. That's what happens when you're related to the Greatest Adventurer in the world and you have a whole family of adventurers. Then I went around the globe in the Gummiship looking for some magic colourful Infinity Stone things, of course I couldn't find any. They're really hard to find. That's when I had a nightmare of death and destruction, which lead me to come here, then into this cage… He smiles at something in front of him. …Where I met you.

Sitting in front of his is a duck skeleton. It's beak opens and the bottom part looses and drops down.

Donald: So…how long are we in here?

Then all of a sudden the cage opens and Donald screams as he falls down. He stops right above some flaming liquid, his chains holding him up and his skeleton friend breaking apart upon impact. Donald looks around to see he's surrounded by multiple stone supports and lava in a lot of places until he hears a chuckle. His chain turns him around to see…

Sitting on rock throne is a large figure with a double horned helmet, his body is made out of molten rock as is his face even though it's skeletal shaped and his eyes glow sinisterly with flames. His entire body is filled with fire. It was none other than the Fire Demon, Surtur.

Surtur: Donald Duck…Mage of Thunder…Son of Quackmore.

Donald: Surtur…The Fire Demon…Son of…a bitch. You're still alive? I thought my father killed you like 100 years ago.

Surtur: I cannot die, not until I fulfil my destiny and lay waste to this puny planet.

Donald: You know, speaking of laying waste to this puny planet, I've been having these terrible dreams of something like that happening. Earth being devastated by strange spaceships and this alien I saw was at that centre of it all, as were the Infinity Stones. I thought there might be one of those things in here but it's clear I was wrong. So I thought I could get some answers out of you since you're as old as the universe itself.

Surtur: His expression is unreadable but he is intrigued. Interesting…could it be that you have seen Ragnarok. The fall of Earth! The great prophecy! The-

Donald: Hang on. Donald had been twisted backward by the chains and mockingly waits to be turned back to Surtur. Hang on, I'll be back around shortly. You know I really thought we were connecting there. Donald is now facing Surtur again. Look, I don't care about a prophecy right now; all I care about are these Infinity Stones. My family already has 3 of them, but I can't find the other 3 anywhere.

Sutur: Of course you can't. 4 of the Infinity Stones were scattered throughout this planet but the other two are lost in this Solar System. Even I don't know their exact location.

Donald: So what you're saying is two of those stones are lost in space…guess that explains why I can't find them…but what about the 4th one on Earth. I looked everywhere for that but I can't find it anywhere.

Surtur: Surtur laughs. Oh, but you needn't have to look for the 4th one. Your family already has it; you just don't know it yet. But your uncle does.

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