Season 2: Episode 33 - Della & Louie Part 2

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Episode 33 – Della & Louie Part 2

Everyone anxiously wait outside a guest's room where Beakely and Launchpad are inside tending to Louie while Daisy is tending to Della. Lena, June, Sora, Riku and Kairi explain the whole story of Louie falling under someone's control, his brutal battle with Della and the battle with his inner demons. To say they're horrified is an understatement; it was a horrendous tale to hear, except for the part where they're proud to hear how Louie defeated the darkness in his heart.

Dewey: So someone telepathically took control of Louie…

Huey: And got him to attack Mom.

Sora: Pretty much.

Minnie: That's terrible! Who would do such a horrible thing?

Riku: Our questions exactly.

Goofy: Gawrsh, I sure hope he's alright.

Mickey: Those of us capable of magic healed him as much as we could.

Scrooge: Luckily for us Beakely is a trained doctor so we've left the rest to her and Launchpad.

Kairi: That's a big relief.

Lena: June and I managed to help him through the power of our friendship bracelets.

June: Friendship was just the energy boost Louie needed to beat his inner demons.

Sora: You guys should've seen how amazing he was when he fought the darkness in heart.

The kids on Scrooge's team smile proudly for Louie.

Dewey: I'm sure he was awesome.

Mickey: But we don't need to see it to be proud of him.

They then watch Daisy help Della approach walk up to them wearing a new set of pilot clothes. Her body is bandaged under her outfit, bandages are wrapped around her forehead, right hand and leg and he face is covered in plasters and bandages.

Sora: Della, how are you feeling?

Della: Like I got crushed by a boulder even though I wasn't the one who got crushed.

Daisy: Take it easy, Della. You took some really nasty hits.

Della: It's fine Daisy, I'll live.

At that moment Beakely and Launchpad come out the room grimly and Della runs up desperately with Huey and Dewey.

Della: Mrs B! LP! Please tell me Louie's alive!

Dewey: Is our brother gonna pull through?

Huey: Please! He just has to!

Beakely: Come inside.

They're all in the room and most are almost in tears to see Louie's injured state. He's without any clothes, his entire body covered in bandages, his face plastered, forehead bandaged and his hair is still dishevelled.

Launchpad: The good news is, Louie's alive.

Beakely: The bad news is he's suffered severe injuries. His entire chest was crushed; most of ribs were either broken or bruised, he probably has a concussion and he's covered in many cuts and bruises. Luckily spells have prevented the worse and there's a possible chance he's in a coma.

Lena: When will he wake up?

Launchpad: I dunno. Hopefully soon.

Goofy: First the Timephoon, then Glomgold, the Bombie and now this. Louie's sure had a rough week today, hasn't he?

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