Season 3: Episode 5 - Louie's Seventeen Part 5

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Episode 5 – Louies Seventeen Part 5

At the cliff on the edge of Duckburg where Louie took Lena to on their first date Leopold and Graves land, the latter tossing Daisy and she rolls across the ground. Daisy groans as she struggles to get on her hand and knees.

Felldrake: Get up you weak little worm. We have a city to destroy?

Daisy: What do you want with me?! And how do you know Graves?

Shellgoose: A simple question, we hired him to kidnap you.

Daisy: Daisy looks at them, her eyes widened in shock. What!? Hired him!? You mean you're the other employer Graves mentioned!?

Shellgoose: Shellgoose reveals his face and twirls his moustache. In the feathers!

Daisy: So the reason Graves was so freakishly strong back in the gala was because of your dark magic.

Felldrake: That's right. I enhanced this Falcon's fighting abilities using my magic!

Daisy: That's how he was able to defeat Xandra and Della so easily?

Felldrake: Yes! Though it seems his enhancement wasn't enough to defeat you. That outburst was quite unexpected. Luckily I had my contingency plan ready, turning Graves into a Heartless.

Shellgoose: And it was worth the effort because we've succeeded the first phase of our plan, kidnapping you.

Felldrake: For once I agree with you.

Daisy: But why did you want to kidnap me!? Usually your plans involve the Three Caballeros!

Shellgoose: This is true…but today we decided to change tactics.

Felldrake: I decided to change tactics. This moron here is incapable of making any. Shellgoose growls at that but lets it slide. We're going to break the Caballeros' spirits by destroying their precious little town.

Daisy: Daisy just laughs at them. And how do you plan to do that? You can't even destroy three birds! How can you destroy a city?!

Felldrake: With this!

Felldrake sends out a bolt of energy the edge, forming some sort of giant purple cannon, vaguely similar to the weapon Steelbeak used to dumb down Duckburg. The base of the superweapon has a vertical gauge that's half full with purple energy. Looking at it horrifies Daisy.

Felldrake: Behold! My Dark Cannon!

Shellgoose: You mean…OUR Dark Cannon.

Felldrake: Whatever. At any rate, when I gather enough energy for this cannon we will fire it and reign dark destruction upon Duckburg!

Daisy: Daisy gets up glaring in determination. That's not going to happen! I'll stop you before you can even gather energy to fire this awful weapon! I won't let you destroy my home!

Shellgoose, Felldrake and Leopold burst into laughter like Daisy's stupid.

Daisy: What's so funny!?

Shellgoose: Nothing…except that you've been helping us destroy your home?


Felldrake: Actually…it's true. You've been helping us without even realizing it. You see the energy I need to charge up this cannon is dark energy. And the way to acquire that is if someone with A LOT of darkness in their heart takes damage thus I am able to suck up their energy with my powers and feed it into my cannon…someone like YOU.

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