Season 2: Episode 23 - Golden Spear Part 2

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Episode 23 – Golden Spear Part 2

Meanwhile on Earth, the Fabulous Five finish dealing with the Heartless. Donald slashes two Neoshadows, Mickey, Minnie and Daisy slash three and Goofy bashes another.

Donald: That takes care of all the Heartless!

After being beaten once again Pete growls and pouts like a child in anger. The Fabulous Five glare at him, prepared for a fight.


Daisy: Why don't you talk about winning, Pete, when you've become smart of enough to tie your own shoes!?

Pete: Pete growls and points in anger. This ain't over! I'll clobber you bubs next time!

Pete makes a run for it and disappears in a cloud of blue smoke. Everyone dismisses their respective weapons and relax with smiles.

Goofy: He sure never learns.

Minnie: Some things never change.

Mickey: At least we've chased him off for now.

Daisy: We might not have been able to do without Donald.

Goofy: Yeah, he sure saved us there.

They all turn around in Donald's direction.

Mickey: Thanks a lot Donald. Despite your problem you were willing to-

Mickey stops speaking and he, Daisy, Goofy and Minnie all gasps in sheer comical horror much to Donald's (who's face is off-screen right now) confusion.

Donald: What? What are you looking at?

They're so speechless they couldn't say a world and all Goofy could do was gulp.

Goofy: Oh boy…

Donald: Now Donald is getting upset. What!?

Daisy holds up a hand mirror and when Donald sees that his entire face is derived of feathers and he's now completely bald his eyes widen in horror. His entire body and tail-feathers are more dishevelled than before. In response Donald releases a scream so loud it could be heard all around Duckburg.

The door to Scrooge's bedroom opens up and Donald walks in. Seeing that he can't relax outside he might as well relax inside. Seeing the coast is clear he closes the door and sighs in relief. He attempts to tie up his hammock in one of Scrooge's closet only to be startled by the doors opening and lights turning on. He quacks in surprise to see his uncle.

Scrooge: What are you doing here!?

Donald: Well…I…uh…

Louie: Nothing!

Donald sees Louie and Lena beside him with innocent expressions obviously up to mischief and also something romantic judging by their blushing.

Lena: Nothing, nothing at all! Louie and I were definitely not doing anything romantic!

Louie: And we're definitely not checking your pockets for spare million dollar bills!

Scrooge: No, neither of you. Him!

Scrooge points his cane at a strange goat with green glowing eyes right behind the three of them, causing Donald to step back in fear and Scrooge to come inside.

Scrooge: Why are you trespassing in my togs goat?

Goat: I am no goat. This is merely my terrestrial form.

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