Season 2: Episode 14 - Dewey and Webby Part 3

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Episode 14 – Dewey and Webby Part 3

Dewey is effortlessly holding back Heron's giant Mecha-Destroyed Behemoth with his sabre held downward one-handed and with a fierce expression, saving the unconscious Webby. Heron yanks out the sabre jammed in her metal shoulder and tosses it away, glaring at Dewey in outrage.

Heron: How did you find us!?

Dewey: It's nice to know how much family helps when you let them tag along on a rescue mission like this.

Heron: How is a mere boy like you holding back a giant heartless with only one hand?! Your super strong friend there couldn't even hold it back with two!

Dewey: Dewey gives a smug smirk. You'd be surprised to know what this "mere boy" is capable of. He glares at the heartless. LIKE THIS!

He slashes horizontally, sending the giant heartless reeling back before giving jumping back and giving his sabre stylishly epic spins and twirls, pointing it and blasting off towards the Behemoth when it's vulnerable. He moved so fast he disappears in a blur.

Kingdom Hearts BBS (Vanitas Boss Fight Music – Enter the Darkness)

Everything blacks out for multiple slashes to happen and Dewey reappears behind the Behemoth with a stylish pose after slicing through it. Heron could watch in horror as her creation is stood on its hind legs getting cut and falling apart until it fully disappears into darkness. She growls at Dewey in anger.

Heron: YOU…!?

Dewey: Crap, like your heartless doesn't interest me but…

Dewey resummons his other sabre before giving it an epic and expert spin by the handle and pointing at Heron.

Dewey: Your swan song will! Now let go of my Webby!

Heron brings out her bo-staff and glares.

Heron: If you want her back then you'll have to go through me! Let's see what you're capable off!

Dewey: Fine! Bring it on! I'll show you how I De-wey it! He gets into a fighting stance.

Party Members:

Dewey Duck

Information: Defeat Black Heron!

Dewey and Heron charge at each other, giving off battle cries just as they jump at each other and clash. Dewey double kicks and they both flip back on the floor. Dewey then rushes at Heron to launch multiple swords strikes that she has difficulty blocking this time and then follows it up with air vertical spin slash that Heron struggles to push back against.

She quickly leaps high into the air and Dewey follows. Both of them exchange blows with their weapons mid-air, Dewey pushes her up but then Heron finds an opening smashes down her staff. Dewey blocks it but is pushed back towards the floor where he lands on his feet. Heron drops down swinging her staff but Dewey crosses his blades to block, pushing back with all his strength as the sparks grind. Dewey spins his twin sabres, throwing Heron's bo-staff away and effectively disarming her much to Heron's surprise.

Dewey throws a slash with one sabre that Heron leans back to avoid and another that grazes her dress, causing her to reel back in stinging pain. Dewey jumps and delivers a wheel kick that sends her flying back. She flips on her feet before bringing up her robotic arm and Dewey his Sabres. After and intense stare off Dewey charges at Heron to attack only for her to catch one of blades with her robot arm. When Dewey thrusts his other sabre Heron stops it by grabbing his wrist and lifting him up. The middle triplet was unable to defend himself from the kick to the stomach that sends him flying and screaming. Heron tosses his Sabres away and takes aim with her metal arm and fires a missile. Dewey summons his Quad Blasters to fire energy shots that meet the missile in an explosion.

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