Season 3: Episode 5 - Louie's Seventeen Part 2

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Episode 5 – Louies Seventeen Part 2

Louie's Seventeen is now at Phase 2. Donald and the gang have arrived outside the museum and stand at the back of the line and get ready to enact the ultimate scheme.

June: Time to party.

Louie: Louie puts his hands on his hip. This is perfect!

Dewey: It already was! Dewey runs up to the stairs in excitement. I'm gonna dance on the red carpet! Louie angrily walks up.

Louie: No! Stick to the plan; this is Louie's Seventeen, as long as there are no surprises, we'll be fine!

Then to their great shock they hear Percival Pepington being carried out by their old foe Falcon Graves. He makes excuses for not having his invitation only to be tossed and Graves dusts off his hands.

Graves: No party crashers.

He proceeds to walk away but double takes when he notices Dewey and Huey.

Graves: Wait a minute…! He turns in anger. Were that…!

There's no sign of the triplets except for Percival running away and he shrugged of what he thought he saw before turning to go back to the entrance.

Huey, Dewey and Louie were hidden back in the line and leaned against the wall gulping in fear. Dewey and Huey peek at Graves in fear and even Violet cringes.

Della: Who the heck was that guy?

Louie: Falcon Graves. He's a top level hitman that gave Beakely a run for her money once in fighting.

Violet: He once teamed up with Merlock to kidnap myself, Hubert, Dewford, Llewellyn, Webbigail and Lena to lure you Uncle Donald. In the end he managed to escape.

Huey: Of all the places we had to encounter Graves again why'd it have to be here!?

Dewey: Huey's right! Why is Falcon Graves working security here!? He's gonna recognise me and Huey and know we're not invited to the party!

Jose: Maybe he won't remember you.

Huey and Dewey grimace in fear and disagreement.

Huey: I highly doubt that.

Dewey: The last time I saw him he made it clear he was pretty mad because the first time I saw I cost him millions of dollars and threw him off a building.

Huey: $20 million dollars to be exact. And I was the one who set it all up to happen.

Donald and Della cringe from that.

Donald: Oooh!

Della: Yikes! That's pretty deep!

May: Wow…this guy must really hate you both.

June: Glad I'm not on his hit list.

Panchito: Eeeh…that does make this harder. He playfully points at Huey and Dewey. New plan: Dewey and Huey are not going to the party!

This horrifies Dewey and Huey sees reason.

Dewey: WHAT!?

Huey: That's a good idea Panchito. Me and Dewey will stay with Launchpad and keep eye out for any new development.

Violet: Violet walks up to them. I'll stay with you. Although I don't have history with him, Graves might possibly remember me as well. If fewer of us go then that should lower suspicion so its best that only Louie and the female triplets go with the adults.

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