Movie 3: Moonvasion Infinity War Part 1

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Moonvasion Infinity War Part 1

It's a bright morning in the city of Duckburg…a calm before the storm that's about to occur after Della, Dewey and Daisy listened to Penumbra and Donald's invasion warning.

In the living room Launchpad is holding a DW tape while stood in front of Huey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet, Beakely, April, May, June, Goofy, Mickey, Minnie, Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Ari, Storkules and Selene.

Launchpad: I've got a little something we can watch to pass the time! And with all of you here it'll be perfect!

Huey, Louie, Webby, Lena, Violet and even Beakely are excited. April, May, June, Goofy, Mickey, Minnie, Panchito, Jose, Xandra, Ari, Storkules, and Selene look curious.

June: So... what is this show called exactly?

Huey: It's called Darkwing Duck.

April: Darkwing Duck?

Xandra: Is he a warrior or something?

Webby: He's a superhero that stops supervillains in the night!

Louie: It's one of the greatest TV shows we've ever watched…aside from Ottoman Empire.

Lena: At first we thought it was a little weird and we'd never ever like it.

Violet: But after giving it a try we realized that it's quite a fascinating, thrilling and hilarious show to enjoy.

Lena: And the main character is pretty cool. A bit of dork…but overall he's pretty cool!

May: So this Darkwing Duck guy basically stalks villains in the night?

Launchpad: It's more than that. He always stops them from omitting such dangerous crimes.

Huey: And it's like he says all the time...

Huey brings out a bobblehead and presses it.

Darkwing Duck Bobblehead: Let's get dangerous!

Those who never seen the show before look puzzled, except for Goofy, Panchito and Jose who unsurprisingly are looking forward to the show already, the former takes the bobble head to admire it.

April: Is that supposed to be his catchphrase?

Launchpad: One of the greatest!

Goofy: Gawrsh! That's pretty cool!

Panchito: We haven't even watched this show and I'm already liking it!

Jose: This show definitely has my vote!

June: June looks over at Beakely. And you like this show too Mrs. B?

Beakely: Beakely gives an encouraging smile. At first I thought it was all children's stuff, but I grew to like it like the others have.

Mickey: Most of them exchange smiling looks. Well, I don't see why we can't enjoy it too.

Minnie: I say we all give Darkwing Duck a try. It might be most enjoyable for us to watch it together.

Launchpad: AWESOME!

Launchpad puts the tape in the VCR while Huey addresses the rest.

Huey: Pull up a chair, sit on the floor, or sit on the couch because this afternoon is gonna get dangerous!

Everyone does exactly that, pulling up chairs and taking their seats. The kids, Mickey and Minnie sit together on the couch, the tallest sit on some chairs and the rest sit on the floor. All of them except for the Duck Girls are intrigued and excited.

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