Season 1: Episode 10 - Spear of Selene

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Episode 10 – Spear of Selene

Donald, Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby and Launchpad are on the Ancient Isle of Ithaquack, a vacation resort for Greek Gods and heroes, after Dewey and Webby had staged the Sunchaser to crash in order to find more information on the Spear of Selene and what happened to Della Duck much to the dismay of Donald and Scrooge. Donald, because he prefers to keep away from Storkules who's going to keep constantly reminding him of his adventuring life and Scrooge because he wants nothing to do with Zeus who has a huge grudge against Scrooge. The family runs into Zeus, King of the Greek Gods and his son Storkules who's basically this world's version of Hercules, except dumber.

As for Dewey and Webby they were walking up the hillside investigating the Spear of Selene. Webby reads Della's last letter on the phone.

Webby: "Dear Scrooge, I've taken the Spear of Selene. I'm sorry, Della." We're close to the truth. I can feel it.

Dewey: What if my mom explored this very path? What if I'm literally walking in her footsteps right now? He bends down to the ground and inhales deeply. I can still smell her feet.

Webby: Webby continues the walk up and makes an insensitive theory. So we know Della took the Spear of Selene and betrayed Mr. McDuck and Donald-

Dewey gets in front and stops Webby in her tracks.

Dewey: Whoa, whoa, whoa! We don't know she did something bad. That note can mean lots of things. He begins to make his own theories. "I've taken the Spear of Selene to get cleaned. I'm sorry I spilled soup on it." "I've taken the Spear of Selene back to the store. I'm sorry you already had one. "Happy Birthday!"

Webby: Ooh! Or "I've taken the Spear of Selene from your money bin", I'm sorry I betrayed your trust." She happily puts her hands on her hips but Dewey is not amused at all and narrows his eyes at Webby for making these insensitive theories about his mother to which she notices. Or, or probably one of your things. Heh, heh! The only way to know for sure is in…the Temple of Heroes!

She walks up and presents to Dewey a large Greek temple and Dewey becomes excited from hearing the world 'Heroes.' She gets next to Webby in fanboy mode.

Dewey: Of 'Heroes!' Pretty good sign that my Mom wasn't a traitor.

They make their way inside the temple and the rest of family with Storkules while Launchpad fixes the plane were sat on a broken pillar in front of Zeus who begins regaling about himself and Ithaquack.

Zeus: Ithaquack was THE secret vacation spot for gods and heroes. He begins showing of jar paintings of himself offering drinks to his followers. And I was the God of Hospitality. The King of the Beach! Everyone loved me. He aims an expression of anger and resentment at Scrooge. Then, Scrooge showed up, defeated the unkillable Gorgon, found the lost treasure of Troy, was really good at building sand castles. Bah!

He points to paintings of Scrooge holding up the Gorgon's decapitated head while being cheered by the Greek's, finds a treasure hidden under the sand and beats Zeus in a sand castle building competition. Though, Storkules had a fond opinion of those times.

Louie: Seems pretty fun.

Storkules: Twas! He presents his own painting of him and Donald lying down and having a fist bump, though Donald is a little reluctant and it says "BFF's 4 ever."

Zeus: No, it wasn't! Zeus angrily stomps his foot and glares at Scrooge. Scrooge showed up like he was so cool and ruined it!

Obviously Scrooge is annoyed with this ridiculous vendetta Zeus has against him and his family

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