Season 1: Episode 14 - Jaw$

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Episode 14 - Jaw$

It's sunset in Duckburg and the only people in McDuck Manor are Donald, Beakely and the kids (mainly Louie and Webby) new friend Lena. While Beakely is cleaning Donald and Lena (resting her elbow on the arm and leaning her head to the side) are sat on the living room couch with bored expressions and since they don't know each other that much they don't know what to do together, so they awkwardly exchange glances every now and then. Donald decides to break the ice but unfortunately his voice was too fast and unintelligible.

Donald: I'm sure they'll be back soon. You can count on it.

Lena: Lena did not get that at all. What?

Donald: Donald lowers his eyebrows in annoyance and clears his throat before speaking more clearly. I'm sure they'll be back soon. You can count on it.

Lena: Oh, sorry, didn't understand you the first time.

Donald: That's fine. You're not the first person to not really understand me. Only two people did. Donald looks down in sadness as he thinks about one of those two people. A worried Lena decides to change the subject.

Lena: So, Mr- I mean, Donald... how come you're not with Webby and the boys on their adventure? Do you still hate adventure or something?

Donald: Donald raises his eyebrow nervously trying to find the right answer. Uh...I wouldn't go that far anymore. After my last adventure in Ithaquack I've become more accepting of it. But...I still prefer to stay away from adventure until I feel like I'm ready for it again. Besides, the boys are growing up now. I doubt they'll need me to always go an adventure just to keep an eye on them.

Lena: I don't think that's the case from all the nice thing's the boys said about you. Webby, Louie, Dewey and Huey told me how you saved from a muscular demigod using some sort of cool, awesome mystical weapon. She gives the sailor a smile. I gotta say, you're pretty cool.

Donald: Donald returns it with a smile of his own. Thanks. I appreciate that. Though, the old days were a long time ago for me.

Lena: But... you know you can't forget it right.

Donald: Yeah, I know. They do hold good memories after all so of course I can't forget about it. Thanks, Lena.

Lena: Lena gives her usual sly smile. Sure. No problem.

Lena continues staring out at the wall but then widens her eyes in shock when something strikes her mind like lightning.

Lena: "Whoa! There's magical aura near me."

She looks around but is currently unable to find a trace.

Lena: "But where is it coming from?"

She's still unable to find anything but in her mind she gasps in shock when she sees an outline of blue light surrounding Donald and she could've sworn she just saw electricity crackle a little.

Lena: "Wait! Donald! There's magical aura coming from Donald! But that's impossible... that would mean he'd have to be...a mage..."

Donald just yawns and sits back. Lena shrugs it off and moves her eyes away with a bored expression.

Lena: "No. It can't be. Donald may be able to use some cool mystical weapon but there's no way he's a mage. Very funny, Aunt Magica."

She's suddenly taken out of her thoughts when she hears the sounds of violent crashing outside, much to her relief.

Lena: Oh! That must be them!

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