Season 3: Episode 24 - The Last Adventure Part 4

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Episode 24 – The Last Adventure Part 4

The entire Duck Family is struggling and taking a beating.

Donald, Scrooge and Della are faced with Jeeves fully grown again.

Dewey's team is being pursued by Don Karnage.

Daisy, Gladstone and Fethry have been ambushed by Falcon Graves.

Webby and April are still in disguise, the former struggling to figure out her origins.

Huey is being manipulated by Bradford into helping him.

Matilda and Gyro have been taken captive by Pepper after Blot knocked out the former. Now Manny has been completely frozen in stone and is getting the magic sucked out of him.

And right now Launchpad, Darkwing and Gizmoduck are getting pounded by Steelbeak.

Launchpad and Steelbeak exchange punches, their fists meeting with equal strength but Steelbeak shows he's more experienced in combat when he backs away from a punch before sending Launchpad flying with an uppercut. The pilot then lunges at the rooster and vice versa.

Launchpad and Steelbeak grapple, pushing each other with all their strength until Steelbeak headbutts and kicks him onto his back. Launchpad struggles to get up.

Launchpad: Before you knock me out, can I have your autograph for taking part in my video game.

Steelbeak responds by knocking Launchpad out with an uppercut.

He casually brushes his hair up only to be surrounded by purple smoke and two voices spookily echoing around him,

Darkwing: I am the Terror that flaps in the night.

Gizmoduck: I am the Monkey Wrench in the gears of injustice.


Darkwing Duck leaps up and delivers a powerful kick that knocks Steelbeak back before flipping backwards.


Gizmoduck wheels in delivering lengthened punches that Steelbeak barely dodges with some acrobatics.

Both Darkwing and Gizmoduck charge the surprised spy together in perfect sync and deliver a powerful join uppercut that sends Steelbeak flying far back. He sprawls on the ground, getting up in anger to see the two superheroes stood together in fighting stances.

Darkwing: Give it up Steelbeak! You're outclassed!

Gizmoduck: And badly outnumbered! The odds are stacked against you!

Launchpad gets back up joining the heroes with his trident re-summoned.

Launchpad: Yeah! You don't stand a chance!

Negaduck: Is that so? Then let's even the odds.

Steelbeak grins and the heroes are caught off-guard by the voice. Suddenly, bombs are thrown and red smoke appears all around them much to their shock.

Launchpad: What the-?!

Darkwing: What is this?

Gizmoduck: Red smoke!

Negaduck: I am the terror that strikes in the night...

Darkwing: Who is that?

Steelbeak: Someone you know.

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