Season 3: Episode 24 - The Last Adventure Part 6

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Episode 24 – The Last Adventure Part 6

Matilda: My brother… has a daughter… and he never even knew it.

Lena: No…way. That's crazy.

Violet: It all makes sense now, Webbigail's love for adventure, her affinity for the McDuck Family and her appearance being similar to you three. Statistically speaking, this isn't all very surprising.

Lena: But if Bradford needed one descendent why did he create Mabel and Julia.

Ludwig: Why, that's simple. After losing Webbigail he wanted to make another clone to make the Papyrus appear…but it didn't work. The clones had to be made directly from Scrooge himself and these two were made from Webbigail so he used them to bring her here.

Mabel: That's why we were created!? So Bradford could find some dumb piece of paper and get rid of us!

Julia: We weren't even good enough to do that. We never have been.

Heartbroken, Mabel and Julia cry their eyes out and everyone looks at them in sympathy. Webby gives a sweet smile.

Webby: What? Of course you're good enough.

Mabel: Mabel walks up angry. How would you know!? Heron made you too!

Webby: Heron made me, but she's not my family. Family are the people who stick by you, fight for you, blindly invade a sinister villain's secret stronghold for you.

Dewey: Twice in one week.

Webby: Family would do anything to keep you safe and sacrifice everything to love you no matter who or what you are, like Scrooge, like Donald, like…my Granny or like you two. Mabel and Julia look up. Please, help us save our family.

Mabel and Julia exchange unsure looks. Despite everything they've done Webby considers them family but considering everything they've done for FOWL they look down in guilt and regret.

Mabel: It's too late for us.

Julia: We've already done so many terrible things and we were just born recently.

Mabel: We betrayed you, our own sister; we stole for FOWL, hurt people and even tortured Donald's sister and girlfriend just so he'd give up his magic.

Julia: There isn't a chance of us changing for the better or having a family.

Lena: You're wrong. It's never too late to start over. The kids look to Lena smiling sweetly. I've done terrible things too. I helped free an evil sorceress who almost destroyed all of Duckburg. I was the main reason the Shadow War ever happened…even though I was being possessed at the time.

Louie: Louie smiles as well. I've done some bad stuff myself. I stole a time machine and almost destroyed time, space and my family's future for some stupid get-rich-quick scheme. I said horrible things to my Mom and own family. I even hurt my own Mom…possessed or not. I may not be a clone like you two or a shadow like Lena…but when I lost her to Magica once I lost sight of where my place was in the world. Everyone, especially Lena sadden for Louie. I kept asking myself What's my place in the family? Why am I needed? What am I good at? What's my purpose? That all became harder to answer when my Mom came back and we had our little argument that almost tore us apart. It was at that point I asked myself… who am I? Mabel and Julia look at Louie in sympathy until he smiles. Well, I'll tell you who I am, because after my favourite shadow came back and I set things right with my Mom I finally understood who I am. I'm the evil triplet, the Sharpie of the family, the guy who can see all the angles in a situation…

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