Season 3: Episode 20 - The True First Adventure

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Episode 20 – The True First Adventure

We go back to the past once more to origins of FOWL when Bradford Buzzard joined forces with Black Heron to form the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny, wanting to rule the world to get rid of all the chaos that SHUSH struggles to deal with.

We go further into the future from that day to the time of Earth's greatest warriors: Donald and Della Duck were kids who lost their parents and were living with their uncle.

It's been two weeks since the adventure with in El Dorado, the fight with the Gilded Man and the Duck Twins made amends with each other over their parents. Young Donald is slept on his bed in a dark blue footie, the sun shines through the room and he opens his eyes to yelp when he sees a pair off eyes drawn on a chin. He smiles, realizing Della is stood behind him wearing her pyjamas having a good tease with her brother after 6 months of arguing.

Della: Della was attempting a different voice. Hey there Donald!? It's me!

Donald: Donald smiles teasingly. Oh, look, if isn't Mr Upside-Downington. How long has it been, 2nd grade?

Della: That's right! And I've come with an important upside –down message.

Donald: Is it that we're too old for this little joke.

Della: No…I've come to warn you of… She speaks in her normal voice, Sibling Tackle!

Della jumps on Donald and the Duck Twins laugh as they share friendly play fight. They roll on their bedroom floor out the door, through the hallways and down the stairs, laughing and fighting to their heart's content until they arrive in the Foyer piled onto each other laughing as hard as they.

Donald: That was fun!

Della: Sure was! Boy, I've missed really missed doing that.

A younger Bentina Beakely/Agent 22 walks by smiling.

Beakely: I see you two are up already.

Donald & Della: Morning Mrs B.

Della: The twins both get up. You bet we're up already! It's another new day for the Duck Twins! She wraps an arm around Donald. Right, Don!

Donald: Right sis! It's gonna be a good day!

Beakely smiles to see the Duck Twins getting along again after 6 months of arguing and destroying the mansion.

Beakely: Well, I have a feeling today's going to be another good day too, now that you've both made amends with one another.

Donald: Donald and Della exchange sheepish smiles. Yeah. That was a scary six months, but we're all over that now.

Della: Yeah. You know I'm really glad you and I are friends Donnie.

Donald: Me too, Della, me too.

Della: The Duck Twins are back and ready to begin anew!

Beakely: …Right after you shower and eat your breakfast!

Donald: And play darts!

The twins bring out their dart guns and play Dart, running around the house and shooting each other. Ordinarily Beakely would hate that game but since the twins have made amends she doesn't mind it that much anymore.

After the twins finish playing darts and shower they change their clothes. Donald is wearing a dark blue button striped-shirt above a black t-shirt with a face on it and Della is wearing her pilot outfit minus the scarf.

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