Season 3: Episode 12-14 - Lets get Dangerous Part 8

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Episode 12-14 - Lets get Dangerous Part 8

After defeating Bulba a couple hours later everyone had regrouped back at the lair to rest, heal, recuperate and change clothes. They had met up with Darkwing in the lair too.

Gizmoduck finishes cutting down the vines Bushroot had created that were blocking the way into Saint Canard. The people behind him cheer victoriously, not knowing the real hero today was Darkwing Duck.

Man: Gizmoduck saved Saint Canard!

Sat at the top of the bridge overlooking the city which was undergoing reconstruction was Gosalyn. She's covered in plasters and bandages after most of her injuries were healed. She's wearing her secondary outfit.

She hugs her knees in sadness, thinking about her grandfather and the fact that she'll never see him again now that the Ramrod was gone.

Dewey: Hey.

She turns to see Dewey in his secondary outfit and covered in bandages waving at her.

Gosalyn: Oh. Hey.

Dewey: Mind if I sit with you?

Gosalyn: Sure. I could use some company.

Dewey sits right next to Gosalyn and they look over the city together.

Dewey: Love the outfit.

Gosalyn: Thanks.

Dewey: Beautiful night, huh? I know this city has been pretty much torn apart by those rifts but you gotta admit the night sky and the stars do look beautiful.

Gosalyn: She manages to smile. Yeah…it's almost hard to believe we just fought a mad scientist who almost destroyed all of reality.

Dewey: Tell me about it. So…are you doing okay Gos?

Gosalyn: She looks down sadly. Yeah, I'm fine…I guess. I'm just…really going to my grandpa. He was the only family I had left…and talking with him always made me feel better. The Ramrod was my only chance of ever saving him…and now it's gone. But…maybe it's for the best, it almost destroyed reality and I know grandpa wouldn't have wanted me to do something. She cries a little. But it still hurts…I'm really going to miss having him in my life.

Dewey: Dewey looks down in guilt. Gosalyn…I'm sorry. I failed you.

Gosalyn: What!? What are you talking about Dewey?

Dewey: I promised I'd help you find your grandfather…but in the end we couldn't bring him back, I wasn't able to keep my promise to you and reunite you with your family. It isn't fair that I got my family back and you didn't get yours after everything you went through. Gosalyn smiles, touched by his words. That's why I-

He's silenced when Gosalyn places finger over his beak with a gentle smile.

Gosalyn: You don't have to apologize for anything Dewey. It wasn't your fault. None of anything that happened was your fault. You really helped me out and I really appreciate that. You were the first person who tried to help me; you have no idea how much that means to me.

Dewey: I don't want anyone else to go through that same feeling of loss that I've went through, but in the end…I guess I just couldn't stop it from happening. I wasn't able to help save your grandpa in the end.

Gosalyn: Dewey, you have helped me. You've helped me more than you know. It's because of you, Darkwing, Launchpad and Donald that I now know the truth, I know what happened to my grandpa. I might not have been able to save him…but at least I know he's alive out there somewhere, and that's good enough for me. I don't know when but…I know one day he'll come back home and I'll be here to see him when he does.

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