Chapter 11

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"Laylen Parker!" I screamed only loud enough for the table to hear me. Aaron, Henry, Laylen, Avery, Audrey, and I were the only people siting at the table so that was a good thing.

"Oooooo useing the middle name!" Henry laughed. He was thankfully in a, I guess you could say, better mood."Don't make me say yours ethier!" I shouted as we all laughed.

"What is it this time?" Audrey complained through her phone. "Mom I'm at school, I don't need... I don't need you to bring my lunch I can go hungry!" She spat through the phone again. We all laughed and Audrey stuck her tounge out.

"Anyway what was with the middle name?" Laylen asked inching for my pudding.

"What did you three do?" I asked giving Laylen my pudding and snatching his pop.

"I saw him kiss you so I told them and then we all told Ashley!" Henry said shrugging his shoulders like it was nothing."Explains why miss princess went on a rampage!" Avery laughed."Yup" Laylen said with a mouth full of puddidng.

I sighed and looked behind be were I could feel Alex eyes burning into my back. He has asked me out in the worst posable ways ever. Once he "kidnapped" me and took me to his house. I called Laylen and told him to bring Aaron and Henry cause we were gonna kick some ass.

"Stop being a stalker!" Avery yelled and then turned around. "Seriously!" Audrey mubbled.

He smiled turned around and chucked the rest of his meatball sub at Laylen witch made Laylen through his PB&J at Alex and that's when all hell broke lose. And I'm not gonna lie I was one of the people having fun.


"Elizabeth I can't believe you! I expected more of you!"  Our principal, Mrs.Quartz, scolded at me.

"And you" she pointed a crocked finger at Alex. "I'll make sure your coach knows about this!" She continued.

"No please, anything but that please, please, please!!" Alex begged about to burst into tears. Laylen was sitting on the other side of Alex playing with his fingers.  I still didn't understand why I was in trouble, I didn't even say a word!

"Laylen why? I thought you were better!" Mrs.Quartz asked with a sympathetic look. "Your mom is going to be so disappointed" she continued.

"You will all have detention for three weeks for starting a food fight in my cafeteria!" She suddnley screamed and slammed a book on the desk. "Continue on with your day, I will see you three at detention!" She cryed again pushing us out the door.

Laylen punched Alex in the side "Why the fuck would you do this? I hope you get kicked out of your stupid ass football with your gay ass friends!" Laylen yelled pulling me by the arm into a separate a hallway.

"I'm pissed!" Laylen whispers so only the two of us could hear him even though we were the only people in the hall.

"I don't even know why I'm in the trouble!" I replied pissed as well.

"I'm not going to sixth hour!" He hissed. "Why?" I asked a little sad cause that's one of the only hours I have with him. "I'm not gonna deal with the stupid ass jerk anymore today!" He hissed walking for the bathroom. I followed calling his name.

"Laylen you can't just not go and then show up in seventh hour!" I screamed as he walked into the boys bathroom. "Whatch me!" He screamed slamming a stall shut. "Ugh Laylen Parker get your ass out here before I call your mom!" I screamed, my anger raising. "Go ahead! Call her!" He screeched slamming his head into the stall door.

*Laylens POV*

I slamed my head into the stall. I was pissed, Alex had constantly done somthing to make my life a living hell. He liked Izzy and he would do anything to have her. I was trying to think and Izzy was making it hard, and I was trying to stay under control so I locked my self in the bathroom.

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