Chapter 12

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*Elizabeth's POV*

The girls took me out for ice cream and we walked around the park for a little. I felt bad for making Laylen mad so I was kinda avoiding him. "Mom, I'm home!" I yelled running to my room and peeking into Sam's room as I passed it. He was on his phone.

"Hey sweetie!" My mom said happily. "I have a surprise for you two! She yelled as I looked at Sam who was now at his door.

"Uh oh!" Sam whispered. Moms surprises were never good. We walked down stairs carefully.

"I want you to meet my new boyfriend, Justin!" She said pulling Justin out of the kitchen. "Boyfriend?" Sam said with a disgusted look.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Justin asked, I would say rudely. You could tell he already didn't like Sam.

"Yes there is!" Sam said sternly. I looked at mom nervously and she did the same.

"Well I guess we have to sort out this problem of yours!" Justin said as he and Sam lunged at each other.

"Elizabeth call Laylen!" My mom said bursting into tears.

I ran to my room and grabbed my phone. "C'mon Laylen pick up, please!" I pleaded.

"Yes Izzy?" Laylen asked. He sounded like he had just got done laughing. "My mom is dating someone!" I screamed through the phone. "What?" He asked surprised. "Yeah and umm Sam isn't happy....hes ummm on the floor.... Umm fighting him! Can you and your dad please save us?" I managed. "Hold on!" Laylen screamed hanging up.

*Laylens POV*

"Dad, let's go!" I said pulling him back out side. "I heard everything, I'm coming too!" Andy shouted running down the stairs after us. "What?" My dad asked confused. "You'll understand in a sec!" I shouted running across the lawns.

When I opened the door there was Sam and a much shorter man on the floor. Andrew and I grabbed Sam pulling him out side while my dad dealt with the shorter guy. Izzy ran after us grabbing her keys and jumping I'm her car. Andy was the same age as me so it was a lot harder getting Sam in the car. Me and Andy jumped in the back seat making Sam sit on his hands so he couldn't hurt anyone.

"Where to?" Izzy asked backing out of the drive way and burning out. "Anywhere but here!" Andy said struggling to help me buckle up Sam. "O-ok" When she spoke she sounded like she was about to cry.


*Andy's POV*

We drove for hours. Laylen and Sam were passes out. I jumped up front and Lizzy smiled at me. "I've missed you, you ok?" She asked. "Yeah, but I should be asking you that question!" I laughed.

"I'm fine." She laughed.

"Guess what!" I asked changing the subject

"What!" She smiled

"I have a boyfriend!" I laughed thinking of Luke, Luke was sweet, kind and loving. He loved me and I loved him. We had a crush on each other for years, and we both thought we were straight.

"Oooooo, who's the lucky guy?" She teased.

"Remember Luke?" I asked pulling our my phone as it went off.

"I thought you were over him cause he was straight?" She looked confused, but adorable.

Dad: you guys ok?

Me: yeah were fine just drove around for a while to calm Sam and layly down

Dad:ok have fun

"Oh um, turns out he's gay! And he's had a crush on me longer then I've had a crush on him!" I laughed.

"Yay! I was hoping you to would eventually be lovers!" She teased.

"My dad just asked where we were, I told him we drove around for a while to calm layly and Sam down." I informed her.

"Layly? I miss our little nicknames!" She cryed laughing. "Andy?" Izzy asked as she stopped laughing.

"Yeah?" I asked

"Does Laylen .... Like me?" She asked and I thought for a second about what Laylen had talked to me about Lizzy.

He had always told me she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And one time he was pacing my room, he was saying he was trying to decide if he wanted to tell me or not. He never ended up telling me.

"I don't know why, do you like layly?" I asked and she blushed.

"Yeah, kinda." She sighed.

"Ooooooooooooo" I teased and she blushed.

"Well your a guy, will you ask him? Or at least help me with this?" She asked sighing again.

"Of course!" I cheered happy to help with this exact situation. Everyone knew they both like each other, but they would never admit it. And Lizzy just did!

*Laylens POV*

I woke up and I heard Andy and Izzy talking. Andy must have jumped to the front. I kept my eyes closed cause I heard Andy ask "I don't know why, do you like Layly?"

"Yeah kinda" Izzy replied.

"Oooooooooooooo" Andy teased

"Well your a guy! Will you ask him? Or at least help me with this?" Izzy wined.

"Of course!" Andy laughed.

So Izzy liked me, and I like her. But she could be lieing to andy just to get answers out of him. Ugh I hate this.


After Sam woke up, Izzy took us all home and Andy came into my room when I was talking to Arron on the phone about the conversation I woke up to and then I hung up once I saw Andy.

"Sup little bro?" Andy asked with a a smirk.

"Sup Andy?" I replied acting casual.

"Oh nothing!" He said jumping on to my bed. "So I talked to Lizzy!" He paused."About Luke and all." He finished sighing.

"Why don't you invite him over?" I asked.

"Mom and dad don't know!" He sighed.

"They don't have to know, he could be just your friend!" I suggested.

"Yeah, ok! Will you call him while I tell mom and dad he's coming?" Andy asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Yes!" I laughed.

I grabbed Andy's phone and called Luke.

"Bae!" Luke shouted through the phone happily. Yup a perfect couple. "Ha, no Luke its Laylen!" I laughed. "Oh sorry dude!" He laughed. "Well I was told to tell you to get your ass down to my house to have a sleepover!" I explained to Luke. "I thought your parents didn't know!" Luke cryed. "Your over as a friend!" I in formed him. "Spend the night with bae, or do homework?" Luke paused. "Spend the night with bae!" He shouted and I heard his keys jinggle. "I'll be there in a sec!" Luke shouted excitedly through the phone and hung up.

I called Izzy and told her to come over so I wasn't alone. I also called Aaron and Henry but only Aaron could come.

ding dong

"Hey Laylen!" Luke said as I let him in.

"Andy, your ba- err friend is here!" I screamed racing Luke up the stairs before there was knock at the door  again. Izzy and Aaron were talking before I opened the door. I invited them in and we all went to my room.

Oooo sleep over I wonder what happens there! Nah jk I don't wonder I know what's gonna happen! See ya later lovely fools. ლ,ᔑ•ﺪ͟͠•ᔐ.ლ

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