Chapter 28

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*Laylen's POV*

Me and Izzy slowly creepy into Andy's room. He was fast asleep with Luke. Memories of last night flashed through my head. I smirked and then I abed Izzy's hand and turned her around. "Laylen what? I thought we were gonna-" I cut her off and kissed her.....mindful that we were in Andy's room. "What the hell get out!!" Andy screamed. I smirked and continued kissing Izzy who was great fully kissing me back. "Gggrrrrrr be quiet!!" Luke whined. "Ugghh what do you to want?!?"Andy complained. "And what did I say about making out with my brother in weird places?!?!"

Izzy pulled apart and said "Shut up! Besides Laylen said we were gonna stay home because we dont have more than a day of school left!!" "Yay! Now get out!!" Andy snapped at her. "People like to sleep!!"

"Whatever!! Let's go Layly!!" She giggled and I put her on my back and we walked back to my room. Setting her down on the Ned she picked up her phone. "Uggghhh Alex is my friend but he is annoying the shit out of me!!!" She whined and plopped back on the bed. "What'd he say?" I asked laying back with her. She handed me her phone.

Alex: hey are you awake?!

Alex: well I was wondering if I could talk to you

Alex: Lizzy?!? What the hell?!?

Alex: come on plz I have good news!!

"Why dont you just answer him?" I asked. "Because I already have enough stress to deal with and I don't want to help him right now....I've helped him to much lately!" She sighed. I grabbed her hand and kissed her cheek. "Wanna talk about it?" I asked. "I still don't know if that was my dad or not!" She sighed snuggling her head into my chest. "Laylen?" "Yeah?!" Do you remember my dad having a funeral?" She asked. I thought about it. "Well your mom said you weren't allowed to go cause you were so little." I said remembering how heart broken her mom was. "I never was brought to his grave either." She sighed.

"He used to take me to this place in the forest. It was way passed our tree and we promised to keep it just ours and never let anyone know." She explained. "I wonder if that spot is taken?" She sighed. "Well there's only one way to figure it out!" I said getting out of my bed slipping in my shoes. "What?!" She asked confused. "Get your shoes on and showe where to go!" I said pulling her up off the bed.

"What?!" She asked again. "You said you didn't know if someone had like taken your spot so let's go see if someone did!!" I said walking out of my room and down the stairs.

She stopped down after me and walked out the door. "Ok where to?" I asked as she stopped in the middle of the door way. "Ummm I think there's this hidden trail we made." She said walking towards the woods. And sure enough behinds some bushes was a path that was covered in rocks and dead grass. She grabbed my hand and I squeezed it tightly. "Its ok just show me where to go!" I whispered in her ear. She shivered. "O-ok." She stuttered. I loved making her nervous. The woods began to get darker as we walked deeper in them.

*Elizabeth's POV*

We walked down the path that seemed to last forever. I remember my dad telling me it had to be a far away place so no one would find it. I would squeeze Laylen's hand every time I felt like crying. I wish I would be able to just run into my dads arms again. But he was gone. I think.

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