Chapter 18

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*Elizabeth's POV*

Yay another hour with Alex!(See my sarcasm?) I walked to my locker and switched out my things. Avoiding any contact with Alex I dragged my self to class. I had one more hour after this and then I get to go home. Ooo and I get to see Audrey in my next hour, I was meaning to ask her something.

"Sup Lizzy?" I heard someone snicker, can you guess who?

"Hey!" I mumbled to Alex sitting down. I hate assigned seats. If I knew Alex was gonna be a jerk I wouldn't of sat here next to him.

"How are you? Ya'know after our little-" Alex smirked before I cut him off.

"I'm fine!" I growled through my teeth.

"Really? Didn't seem like you were fine when you stormed out!" Alex smirked writing something down.

"I said I was fine!" I mumbled. What's with guys and asking if I'm ok? Jezz!

"Well, hey you probably won't believe me, but I'm truly sorry about the other night!" Alex mumbled. Did Alex, Alex the biggest jerk in the me?

"Uumm did you just apologize to me?" I asked starring iat him in horror.

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, I was talking with a friend and he said it was a really dick move." Alex explained looking at me. I starred into his eyes, they were full of, of truth.

"Erm...ok?" I said very confused.

"Hey, why do you let Laylen control you like that?" He asked writing down what our teacher was writing on the board.

"He doesn't control me, he's just really over protective, like my brother!" I smirked.

"Yaaah, we'll go with that!" Alex smirked and raising an eybrow.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked looking up from my paper.

"Reasons!" He smirked.

"Ugh, which are?" I asked getting mad at his distractions.

"That's my business!" He said winking then going back to his work. Why was he being nice and not a total jerk?

"Um, o-ok?!" I stutrered, why did I stutter? Alex laughed at me once I blushed of embarrassing my self.

"That's adorable!" He mumbled under his breath.

"Shut up!" I spat rolling my eyes and he just smirked mumbling something to quiet for me to hear.

Rolling my eyes again I went back to work. It was hard to concentrate when all I could think about was that stupid kiss and I think somehow Alex knew what I was thinking and would glance at me every few minutes and smirk.

"Will you stop?" I asked sitting back down from turning in my paper.

"What?" He asked playing stupid.

"Doing......that!" I said waving my hands in the air. He smirked again and looked down at his paper shaking his head.

"What is that?" He asked laughing.

"Ugh, looking at me!" I spat placing my feet on my desk earning a glare from the teacher but I ignored her.

"I just know what your thinking about!" He smirked again and my cheeks burned.

"And that is?" I asked glaring at him.

"Us!" He smirked. "And our....mishab!" He laughed and I glared.

"Shush it!" I glared pointing my finger in his face.

"Ok, ok but I think its cute you kissed back!" He smirked and looked over to make sure I was blushing, and I was.

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