Chapter 25

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"Lizzy! Lizzy, its time to get up!" Alex whispered sweetly in my ear. "O-ok!" I whispered stretching. Alex walked out of the room and quietly closed the door. Dang he's nice. I walked to my bathroom. I looked the same from last night. The only difference was by swollen, blood shot eyes. I lead a brush through my hair and then brushed my teeth. I got into my closest and through on some decent clothes. Getting all my stuff for school together, I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I said slipping on my shoes. Alex popped his head in. "Can I walk with you guys today?" He asked easing an eyebrow hopefully. I laughed and nodded. He was happy.

Bang! "Ow, shit!" I yhispered. (Whisper yelled) I had hit my knee on my bed as I stood up from tying my shoes. That's gonna be a bruise. Walking out of the room I grabbed my florescent back back and walked down stairs.

"Breakfast is ready!" My mom sang pouring glasses of apple juice, setting them on the table. Me and Alex took a seat while Sam joined us. Yuck. Eggs. I shoved a pice of toast in my mouth scooping up some hash browns. "So, Lizzy, I was wondering if you'd like to come to one of my football games?" Alex asked gulping down some juice. I thought about it for a little bit. I guess it would be fun. And I had nothing to do tonight so might as well. Yes. I know when the football games are. Don't judge.

"Sure, sounds fun." I said putting my plate in the sink. Sam glared at me. "Cool!" Alex screamed. "I mean, cool so I'll see you later?" Alex asked more causal. I smirked. "See you later." Grabbing my bag I walked out with Alex. We met Laylen and Andy at the end of my drive way. "Hey guys!" I said cheerfully. Laylen wrapped an arm around me sending a glare at Alex. I nudged him in the side and whispered "Its fine, were cool!"

The walk to school was on the edge of awkward and weird. The boys kinda talked about football and things boys talked about but whenever Laylen would stand next to me Alex would get all.....weird. Once we finally got to school it was a bit easier. We all got used to each other after a while and Laylen and Alex started hanging out in the classes they had together.

"So.....Izzy are you going anywhere tonight cause I wanted to bring you to Alex's football game later and maybe..." Laylen asked as he trailed off I smiled and said "I'm already going....I guess you could drive me down if you want.....and yes I will come over to your house Layly!" I smirked as he blushed. "Yeah, I'll umm......come get you and I guess you can come over later its not like I have anything else to do..." Laylen laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. "Nice save!" Henry laughed nudging Laylen. Laylen blushed again and scooped a spoon full of apple sauce in his mouth.

Grabbing my hand Laylen smiled. Audrey and Avery joined us and we talked for a while until the bell rang and we all wonder off in different directions. When seventh period did wonder around I joined Aaron and Audrey out in the hall. Our teacher hadn't been there yet so we had to wait out side. "So what cha gonna do at Laylen's tonight?" Aaron asked. "He is your boy toy anyway.....isn't he?" Audrey asked. I laughed and shook my head. "Will you two shut up!" I giggled. "If you tell me what you two love birds are gonna do later!" Aaron said tapping my nose. Whipping the imaginary substance from my nose I shrugged my shoulders. "Go to the football game...hang out at his house I guess?" Audrey and Aaron starred at me and then broke out laughing. "What?!" I asked. More laughter. "What!?!" I tried again. More laughing. "WHAT!?!" I asked again. "Yeah like you two are just gonna 'hang out'" Aaron laughed using air quotes at hang out.

Our teacher finally came and told us to sit down. We did as we were told and waited. "I bet their gonna-" Audrey made a kissy face and then laughed. "No no no, its like this!"Aaron leaned over and stuck his tongue in Audrey's mouth and the they started making out. Omfg. "Hey!" I said smacking the back of Aarons head. "Stop eating my friend!" I said trying to be as serious as possible. "I'm not!" He insested. "Yeah sure!" I said rolling my eyes.


After school I walked home by my self. I had stayed thirty minutes later to catch up on something in class. As I walked I thought about how my life has changed so much with Laylen. We were so happy. All the time. I do love him. I continued to walk. Until I reached the stop sign. I looked left. And then I looked right. Then very carefully crossed the street.

    "Hello." A male voice said startling me from my thoughts. "You are all grown up now!" He said again. He looked oddly familiar. Almost like me. "I would of expected you guys to have moved by now." The man spoke again. He was dressed in a suit. A brief case at his side. "Are you ok? You look freaked!" The man said. He looked me. "I-Im I know you?" I asked. "Yes...well no.....maybe...I don't know." The man shook his head. "I'm sorry for wasting your time ma'ma, I might as well be on my way!" And with a nod of his head he walked past me.

    I walked all the way home repeating his words in my head. "I'm sorry do I know you?" "Yes...well no.....maybe....I don't know." It was so strange. I could sware I knew him. He clearly knew me. But how. When I reached the door to my house and pulled out the keys.......I realized.......that was my father.

Heeeeeeeeeey...............I'm sorry.....I just cant write anymore....well at least on this book........I dont know what the point is of going on anymore sooo...its coming to an end......but dont worry I'm writing other stories...... OK YES IM AVOIDIND THE FACT THAT I HABENT UPDATED IN 30000000000000000 YEARS!!! I SORRY OK!! No but really this story isn't gonna last much longer.....fair warning ;-)

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