Chapter 21

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"Hell no!" I screamed really, really loud. Alex slapped his hand over my mouth and looked at me straight in the eyes. Deadliest stare ever! Alex's eyes snapped back and forth, scanning for teachers.

"Shut the hell up ok? I don't need everyone on my ass about it, ok?" Alex snapped pushing me into another hall.

"What do you mean on your ass?" I asked confused.

"The football captain,.." Alex began."Stephen..." I interrupted. "Yes....Stephen, was calling me worthless and a whole bunch of shit, and I fought back and got into that big mess, and it ended up that me and my girlfriend and him and his girlfriend are all gonna go on a date, do you see the problem now?" Alex rasied an eyebrow.

"First of all, how the hell do you get from worthless to let's go on a dobble date? Seconded of all, why in hell did you think oh yeah, I need a girlfriend so I'm just gonna go ask Elizabeth, oh don't worry she's soooo gonna say yes no matter what even though I've tricked her into kissing me and the fact that I kidnapped her, yeah there's nothing to worry about!" I screamed sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Well that's kinda what I was thinking......." Alex smirked looking at the floor. I smacked him on the cheek and he smirked again.

"Ow....well, will you?" He asked rubbing his cheek.

"Ya'know I have a boyfriend!" I spat, whispering this time.

"Don't remind me!" Alex sighed sadly.

"Ugh, when is it?" I asked super annoyed.

"Tomorrow!" Alex sighed.

Wait! I thought. I'm grounded I could easily get out of this!

"Alex, as much as I'd love to, I can't, I'm grounded!" I "sighed" looking at the floor. Im sooooooo clever!

"No, no, no, no, no, nooo, please please I'm begging you! Please help me out!!!" Alex begged when I saw Laylen sneak up behind him.

"She said, she has a boyfriend!" Laylen snapped making Alex turn around.

"I-I k-know what s-she s-said!" Alex said strongly but it sounded weak since he stuttered. I smirked and looked back down at the floor.

Laylen rapped his arm around me "let's go, away from this thing!" He smirked looking back at Alex.

"Your mean!" I giggled. "Yuup, I know! But that's a good thing!" Laylen sighed. "Scary boyfriend stuff?" I smirked. "Yup, scary boyfriend stuff!" Laylen laughed sitting me back down at the lunch table.



"C'mon I'll walk you to class!" Laylen winked pulling me along with him.

"I'll see you guys after school!" Henry shouted throwing if trash away.

"Bye!" I called after the rest of my friends as I was dragged to class.


"Mo- Sam I'm home!" I sighed remembering my mom was in Hawaii. Ugh, just one more week.

"Your still grounded!" Sam shouted reminding me that I'm going to the park and I got super happy.

"I know!" I squealed a tad bit to excitedly.

"Okaaay, well you can't leave your room so get in it!" Sam snapped suddenly appearing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Why are you put in charge? I could live happily if you were dead ya'know!" I sighed pushing Sam out of my way, trotting up the stairs.

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