Chapter 13

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*Laylens POV*

We were all in my room, talking about random things, Izzy was texting Audrey and Avery gossip probably and Luke and Andrew were trying so hard not to be adorable.

"Wanna play truth or dare anyone?" Luke asked suddenly.

"Why not?" Izzy replied sticking her phone in her pocket.

"Truth or dare Laylen?" Luke asked.

(Before we starr the game let me tell you about these friends. They are just like me amsy friends if you don't know me then think of the craziest people and then times that by like a 10000000000000000000000000000000000009 and there you have it, the most craziest friends ever!)


"I dare you to lick Aaron!"

"Gross!" Izzy wined as I licked Aarons shoulder.

"Truth...or....dare?" I asked Aaron as I whiped off my tounge.


"Dare ya to tell me your crush!"

"I have a girlfriend, Laylen!" Aaron said with a duh face.

"Who is it Aaron?" Andy pushed.

"Its Audrey you idiots!"

"Ok, ok I was just making sure!" I laughed.

"Whatever, truth or dare Luke?" Aaron asked eollimgbhis eyes at me.

"Dare!" Like said raising his eyebrows.

"Dare you to make out with Andy" Aaron said thinking he wasn't gonna do it.

"Ok!" Luke said grabbing Andys face and kissing him.

"Laylen where do you want your bac-" my mom dropped my backpack to the floor Andy ran to his room and Luke's face got red. "" My mom looked surprised and then her fave got serious when she looked at Luke.

"And why did you secretly get a boyfriend with out telling me or tour dad? Come here toung man!" She said pulling Luke to his feet and dragging him to the living room where Andy was. "Wanna be spy's?" Aaron asked. We looked at each other and smiled.

We snuck down the hall and peeked around the corner. Mt dad, Andy, Luke, and my mom were our in the living room. "So...let me get this straight, your not mad that I'm gay, but at the fact that I'm in a relationship and didn't tell you?" Andrew asked and Luke peered in our direction and saw us and then he gave us a dirty look.

"Yup, why didn't you tell us? We are so disappointed in you! Web have to approve of this young man!" My dad said pointing at Luke who was uncomfortable being the center of attention.

"Poor Andy! Izzy whispered.

"Shhhhh!" Aaron and I did atbthw same time.

"Well would you care to itroduce this young man to us Andrew?" My mom asked.

"Eerr..umm this is Luke my umm boyfriend, Luke this isy parents, Jane and Derrick." Andy said awkwardly.

"Luke, I'm sorry my son was rude and didn't introduce you to us sooner!" My mom complained.

"Its alright Mrs.Terickson." Luke said

"Please call me Jane!" My mom said pulling Luke into the kitchen grabbing the photos. "Would you like to see baby Andrew?" My mom laughed. "Would I!" Luke cheered.

"Mom!" Andy complained. "Oh c'mon Andrew! Don't be a crybaby!" She yelled and all three of us joined them in the kitchen.

"Awwwwwwww he's sooooooo cute!!!!" Luke laughed.

"Mom! Please stop its torture!" Andy wined. "Aww but your sooooo cute!" Luke wined back. Andrew walked into the kitchen and pointed at a picture of him and I when we were six and his front teeth were missing "that is not cute!" Andy complained. "Yea it is!" Luke laughed and pinched Andy's cheeks. Andy shook his head back and forth and said "c'omn Luke let's go before she pulls out the lake pictures!" "Awww but baby please! There so cute!" Luke wined grabbing for the book while Andrew pulled him up the stairs. "Don't worry Luke, we will finish these later!" My mom yelled after him and then a door slammed shut.

"C'mon I'm not done bugging him!" I complained running up the stairs to Andy's room.

*Luke's POV*

"God she does that every time!" Andy complained. God he was so sexy , he looked good in blue. His dirty blond hair all over the place, blue eyes twinkling.

"Quite eye rapping me!" He laughed pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Umm" I blushed and floped on his bed.

"Why didn't you hesitate?" He asked plopimg in his beanbag chair.

"Hesitate to what?" I asked confused.

"To kiss me!" He laughed

"Oh, cause I love you!" I said in a duh tone. "And by not hesitating do you mean like this?" I jupped up from his bed and on to his lap and kissed him. He was surprised at first but then he grabbed the back of my thighs and carried me towards the door so he could lock it.

"I love you!" He whispered into my ear sitting on his bed. "I love you too!" I whispered back and then kissed him again. Then the door knob turned and and I heard Laylens voice scream "Open the door love birds!" "Make me!" Andy screamed back. "Mom! Luke is ready yo see those-" "Ok ok I'm opening it!" Andy screamed and took me off his lap and walked to unlock his door.

"What?" He asked opening the door just enough so his head could fit through and he put his foot behind the door just in case Laylen tried to open the door all the way.

"What cha two doin? Laylen asked noisily and I floped back on his bed.

"Go away nosey!" Andy said pushing Laylen away from the door and locking it.

"Andrew is locking his door!" Laylen told his parents.

"Leave your brother and Luke alone!" Jane yelled

I closed my eyes and felt the bed crease in next to me."He be can be annoying sometimes!" Amsy sighed. I squezzed his hand and he rapped his arm around me. I was tired so I acidently fell asleep tangled in Andy's arms.

*Elizabeth's POV*

"Laylen, Aaron hurry up!" I screamed running outside towards the woods. Laylen wanted to go climb trees and I said it sounded like fun and Aaron agreed I was running far in front of the two.


"Oww ow ow ow ow ow!" I screamed wincing as I touched the bleeding mark on my head.

"What what what what?" Aaron asked approaching me.

"That stupid ass branch hit me in the head!" I complained.

"Did it hit you, or did you run into it?" Laylen laughed.

"I don't I know, but I do know it hurts like a mother fucker!" I screamed stomping my foot.

"Haha come on that's go clean you up!" Laylen laughed again.

When we got back inside it was quiet really quiet. "I wonder what the love birds are doing!" Aaron teased

"Ow, Laylen!!" I screamed wincing as he patted my head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I have to clean off the blood!" He said patting it again. My eyes watered, I am not going to cry! I told myself. I bit my tounge and let him continue to clean it off.

After Laylen was done, thankfully, he told us we were gonna watch a movie. We watched Blended and when I fell asleep Aaron and Laylen left me on the couch and went to bed in Laylens room.

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