Chapter 24

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      "Okay well since you know everything about me, then what should we talk about?" Laylen laughed.  "Ummmm, we could tell each other we used to!" I suggested. Laylen shook his head. "I don't keep secrets from you!" I thought for a moment. What could we talk about? "Ummmm, well whats the surprise?!?" I asked hopefully. "A surprise!" Laylen smirked. "I thought you didn't keep secrets from me?!" I smirked putting my head in my hand.  "But this is a surprise! Not a secret! Your move!" Laylen laughed. "But you won't tell me the surprise! So you won't tell me....a secret! Your...move!" I smirked. "Well if its a surprise its not a secret!" Laylen laughed. "Well if I don't know it then its a secret!" I whined. "Its late we should get going!" Laylen sighed.

We got all of are stuff together and walked out to the car.  "Dinner was fun!" I laughed awkwardly. Laylen just nodded he looked as sad as I felt. I didn't want this night to end. We didn't want tonight to end. We had so much fun. We talked and the waitress kept flirting with Laylen and I thought it was funny because Laylen just kept flirting horribly back to her and then she got bored after a while and moved on to some other guy.

"Izzy?" Laylen asked. I was tired and was almost asleep.  "Hmm?"  "You awake?" Laylen asked looking over at me. "I think so." I sighed shifting in the seat. "Do you want to go home or my house?" He asked. I thought for a moment. Tonight was my last night before I had to go back to school. "Mmm, your house." I said sleepy. "Ok, you can go to sleep now!" Laylen laughed. I didn't respond. I was asleep.

*Laylen's POV*

She was sooo tired. I wouldn't blame her. If I had to deal with taking hours to find a dress and then taking hours to do make-up I would be passed out already!  I wanted her to have fun. And that waitress was super annoying! But it was funny when she was getting bored of me! I turned on out street passing the woods. The trees slowly passed as I pulled into my drive way. We hadn't been in our tree for a while. Andy and Luke were in the living room watching a movie so I carried Izzy up to my room. Once I got her settled I walked down stairs.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked sliding on the couch next to Andy. "There cars not here!"

"They went to some copples thing, they said they would be back tomorrow." Andy replied. "Lizzy up stairs?"

"Yeah" I whispered.

"She awake?" Luke asked. Luke and Izzy were good friends. It was funny watching them play dolls when we were littler. I shook my head trying to figure out what movie was on.

"She will be!" Luke muddered jumping from off the couch and to the stairs.

"Luke no! She's tired!" I tried but he continued up the stairs.

*Luke's POV*

I crept up the stairs and into Laylen's room. Lizzy was snuggled in a ball on the bed. I tiptoed to the bed and then I felt something hit the back of my head. "Ow!" I whispered. "Go back down stairs and leave her alone!" Laylen hissed. "Fine!" I spat folowing him out the door. "The fun with have to wait until tomorrow!" I whispered to my self rubbing my hands together evily.


"Get up! Get up! Get up!" Andy was shaking me  like crazy! "Grrrrrrr!" I growled rolling over to face him. "C'mon let's go!!!" Andy shouted again. "Hurry before they wake up!!" Wait why was I in Andy's room? I fell asleep on the couch. "Ggghrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!" I rolled over and got on my feet. Andy tugged at my wrist until I followed him into Laylen's room.  Laylen was laying in his bed (weird cause he was asleep downstairs too) and Lizzy was curled up next to him. They looked happy and comfortable. Oh yeah! That's what I'm doing! "Water guns?" I asked smirking. "Water guns!" Andy smirked.

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