Chapter 17

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*Andrews POV*

"Good morning baby!" I whispered into Luke's ear. I got to spend a day with him, just me and him! It was fun!

"I hate mornings unless," Luke paused "its spent with you!" He laughed.

"C'mon we have to get ready for school!" I said getting out of bed by rolling over on Luke kissing his nose and landing on my feet looking around for my close Luke said he wanted me to ware today.

"There on the, the chair!" Luke growled with morning hate.

"Ok Mr grumpy pants!" I laughed pulling ony shirt.

"Uuuuuhhhhhh!" He cried rolling over.

"Its ok, today's Thursday and that means one day theft and then we can have a weekend, oh and there's only a week left of school until summer!" I said happily dragging Luke out of bed.

"Get dressed, no one wants to see you shirtless!" I laughed.

"Whatever, you know you do!" Luke smirked.

"My parents don't so get dressed lazy!" I laughed pushing him towards his clothes.

"I wonder what Laylen doing?" I thought out loud and at that moment Laylen came skipping up the stairs.

"What's with you two? Your both happy in the morning!" Like complained.

"I'm happy cause your here! I have no clue what's wrong with him!" I laughed.

"I'm happy dork!" Laylen screamed.

"Why?" Luke complained again.

"Reasons that are none of your business!" Laylen said pulling on a shirt as he walked out of his room and down the stairs.

I pulled on my shoes and waited for Luke to get ready, he was slow, until I went down stairs.

"What cha want for breakfast?" Laylen asked as we walked in the kitchen.

"A bed!" Luke said plopping into a chair.

"Andy?" Laylen asked

"Umm pancakes?" I asked hopefully.

"Oooo yum, good idea!" Laylen laughed

"Uugghhh, I hate mornings and school!" Luke wined from the table.

"Be quiet! Laylen makes awesome pancakes!" I assured him

"P-pancakes?" Luke shot up drooling.

"How long have you been here?" Laylen laughed.

"Don't know but I want pancakes!" Luke growled layling his head back on the table.


"Wakey wakey baby!" I whispered, kissing his eyes. "You fell asleep while Laylen made pancakes.

"Can I have some?" He asked his eyes still closed raising an eyebrow.

"Um duh!" Laylen laughed pushing a plate at him.

"Yay!" He shot up and started eating.

"What cha want me to pack you for lunch?" I asked Luke getting up to rise off my plate.

"Whatever you have I guess!" Luke shrugged.

"You like peanut and banana sandwiches?" Laylen asked disgusted and I smirked.

"Umm yeah your crazy if you don't!" Luke said back with a duh tone.

"And that's why I love you!" I laughed and pulled out the peanut butter and bananas.

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