Chapter 1

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28...29...30! Ready or not here I come. Izzy it's not fun when you- Laylen ... look. What? The tree it's so tall! Yeah i-it is isn't it? Let's climb it! Ok let's do it! Owwwww! Izzy stop stepping on my hands! Sorry... whoa Laylen you can see the house from up here! And Izzy there's Sam! Uhh ohh hurry come on Laylen he's gonna kill me! "Elizabeth Rose! You better get inside right now!

"Elizabeth wake up Elizabeth come on" my mom was shaking me like crazy.

"Ok ok ... I'm up im up" I said struggling to kick off the covers.

"Come on get up you have to get ready for school, breakfast will be done in five minutes!" She yelled walking out of the room.

I love those dreams, me and Laylen are surprisingly still friends and I miss when we were little kids we would get in trouble all the time and just be kids. But now we have to go to school and be annoyed by our siblings .... wait what am i saying they always annoyed us. Sam my older brother hates Laylen he would say that he was a horrible in influence and would tell my mom to not let me see him. Me and Laylen would always sneek out at night and behind our back yard was woods we both loved roaming around and climbing and jumping and just being in the woods. We still go to our tree all the time.

Knock knock knock
"E can I come in?" Sam asked.

Sam wasn't that much older than me but to him I was still a little kid. He thinks he has control over me, when dad died he was almost like his replace ment, always so overprotective and wanted to know when and where I was going.

"Ugh yeah" I said miserably

"Hey E!" He said with a bright smile, he was already dressed and thankfully in a good mood.

"Hey Sam ... what's today?" I asked covering my eyes as he turned on the lights.

"Friday" he replied sitting on my bed.

"Yes the weekend" I said thinking of Laylen. This weekend we were gonna come up with a plan to make my brother mad. Laylen also hates Sam cause he tried to ruin our friendship more than once.

"Well I'm glad to see you happy, hurry up and get dressed I wanna talk to you once you get down stairs, ok?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"Ok" I replied getting out of bed and closing the door behind Sam.


"Thanks mom that was good." I said cleaning off my plate and running over to grab my bag.

"Your welcome sweetie" she said handing me my lunch.

"Sam what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked slipping my lunch into my bag and walking towards the door with him.

"Oh nothing I'll tell you some other time." He replied opening the door gesturing me to exit.

"Oh ..umm ok" I said distracted pulling out my phone and texting Laylen.

Me: Hey meet me in front of ur house

Laylen: Ok ill be waiting

My: Ok see u in a bit :-p

Laylen: ;-)


"Hey Laylen you ready to go?" I asked approaching his front steps and sitting down next to him. His Sandy blonde hair messy but at the same time cute.

"Hey Izzy, do we have to leave?" He asked sadly

"As much as I don't want to we have to but i don't want to walk alone so let's go." I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him up.

On our way to school we talked about our morning and what were gonna do later. We talked about our plan to destroy my brother's car. We talked about the pranks we could do to him and his new girlfriend until we reached school. Then we went our separate ways.

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