Chapter 7

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Laylen I'm scared. It's ok we just have make sure no one sees us, especially your brother or he will kill us both. Do we have to do this? I don't even like his girlfriend. And that's exactly why we are doing this, because you don't like her and she hurt you. Yeah she only hurt my feelings I'll get over it Laylen! Still she hurt you and she's gonna pay! What the hell are you two brats doing? Sam, Elizabeth and her... smug friend are here!  Izzy run! What about you? It's ok run I'll catch up, run. Sam! Shes running! Grab her then I'm coming! Let go of her! You know you shouldn't hit girls little idiot! E? I thought I told you that you can't hang out with this thing! That thing is my friend and let go of me ... slut!  *smack* oh, Izzy let go of me you b*tch! Laylen help me! *kick* run, run now! Ahhhhhhhhhhh

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I woke up screaming

Stomp stomp stomp stop ... bang!

"E? E are you ok?" Sam came in checking under my bed and in the closet for who knows what.

"Yeah I just had a nightmare." I assured him.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked sitting next to me.

I looked out the window behind me at Laylen bedroom window he was on his phone and then my phone went off.

"E, you need to stop sleeping out side!" Sam said glancing at my phone as it went of agian.

"What are you talking about I'm clearly in my bed so I had to of slept here." I said sarcastically

"E don't argue with me!" Sam said angrily

"Whatever leave me alone!" I replied grabbing my phone to see who text me.

"Well hope you have fun being alone cause mom's going to her book club and I'm going to Katie's house so yeah you will be here alone." Sam said leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes and looked at my phone.

Laylen: open your window

Laylen: after your brother leaves!

I turned around and opened the window and saw Laylen waiting patiently at his window smiling.

"Hey!" I said happily

"Good morning Izzy" Laylen said from his window

"Did you need anything I was about to get ready to go to the tree" I told him

"I was just making sure you were still coming" he explained

"Oh ok be out in a sec!" I said closing my window and the blinds and got dressed

When I stepped outside I could see the tree ... And Laylen at the top. I managed to approach the tree without Laylen seeing me so I was happy I could surprise him when I get up there. 

"Oww" I whispers then slapped my mouth and looked up to see if Laylen heard me. Hopefully he didn't, I continued to climb until I saw his feet dangling from a branch.

"Where is she?" I heard him whisper and then pull out his phone.

I had to hurry before my phone went off so I jumped up next to him nearly making him pee his pants."Oh Izzy you, you scared the shit out of me!" Laylen screamed

"Sorry I thought it would be funny ... And it was!" I laughed really hard.

"Hey stop laughing!" He tried but he just laughed with me. After we stopped laughing he asked "are you ok you, seemed scared this morning, I mean you screamed so loud I could here you over my mom blabbing on the phone!"

"I had a nightmare." I whispered.

"What about?" He asked kicking the tree.

"Remember that time when we were trying to steal my brothers phone so we could go through it?" I asked looking at my feet.

"Oh that was your nightmare, me trying to get back a the bitch for destroying your life through Sam?" He asked angry.

"Yeah" I whispered

"Ya'know I actually got back at her, I took all her stuff that was in Sam's room and burned it and then I took her phone and flushed it! She was such a slut!" He frowned.

"Hey Laylen after I ran what happened to you?" I asked looking up in to his blue eyes. He didn't answer but instead keeping my eyes locked with his and he wouldn't let me look away. We stayed that way for a while until we heard my brothers car pull up in the drive way.

"Please don't go I'll be lonely!" Laylen whispered.

"Mmmm" I replied thinking out loud

"Please, I still haven't got to talk to you yet!" Laylen begged

"I don't know, he's gonna want me to do something and if I don't show up soon I'm gonna be in trouble!" I winned

"Please!! Why do you let him control you? You used to kick his ass with me!" He wined back scooting over rapping his arms around me.

"Fine, but if I get in trouble it's your fault!" I told him making sure we were clear.

"Yay my beautiful will stay with me!" Laylen screamed squeezing me.

"What do you want to talk about then?" I asked with a sigh

"How come you get to be so beautiful and I'm not handsome at all?" He asked winning

"Aww Laylen you are handsome!"


"Yes you are very handsome!" I said ruffling his hair.

"Sooooo do you think I'm cute?" He asked smirking.

"Yes the most cutest guy in our school!" I said smacking the back of his head.

"Oww" he complained rubbing his head"well at least I know you like my face" he smiled and I kicked his leg.


"Elizabeth lunch time! My mom yealled out the back door. "And Laylen can come too if he wants!" She yelled again

"Well c'mon then you heard the women let's eat!" Laylen smiled pulling me down the tree with him.

"I love my mom she's so nice...unlike my brother!" I said jumping down from the tree.

"Ha yeah your mom loves me, when she met my mom they were like sisters and that's why my mom loves you so much ... Beautiful!" Laylen said as we reached the house.

"She is beautiful isin't she?" My mom said bringing sandwiches to the table.

"Yes she is, and I remind her every day!" Laylen said entering and keeping his eyes on me and my red cheeks and then he laughed.    

"Well it's nice that some one reminds her she needs to know, and  you two kids enjoy and then I want to bring you guys  somewhere when your finished. Oh and Laylen I talked to your mom and she said you can come!" My mom explained before she let us eat

"So Izzy, knowing your mom's craziness where do you think we are going?" Laylen asked before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I have know idea, to the mall maybe?" I replied but it came out more as a question.

"Well I hope we will have fun!" Laylen said nudging me in the arm and then I noticing my mom walking in. "Oh me too!" I said and Laylen winking.

"E!" I heard Sam say as I winced for the sake of Laylen and Sam both being in the same room. (Yes they hate each other that much!!)

"Mom who let ... this thing in our house!?!?" I heard him say next. I didn't even want to look up because I knew what was gonna happen next. Suddenly the chair next to me fell over and Laylen was no longer in it but in Sam's face screaming and cussing his head off.

"Mom ... umm hurry I umm need some help" and that's the last thing I remember before someone tossed a chair and hit me in the head then everything was dark.

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