Chapter 15

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*Luke POV*

We all hated Alex. Always have and hopefully always will. He used to make fun of us cause we were all so short, but now half of us are all taller than him.

"You ok Lizzy, you look a little shocked?" I asked rapping my arm around her shoulders. She was staring at the floor with her mouth open until I said something.

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine!" She spat, which was a little suspicious.

"You sure?" Laylen asked "cause I will make his life a living hell if he did anything to you!" He said again, looking pissed.

N-no I'm fine!" She assured him.

"That didn't sound very convincing!" Aaron laughed.

"Really!" I laughed.

"Guys, I'm fine!" She assured us all trying to look serious. If I wasn't gay I probably would of asked her out by now. She was cute, but I had the sexist guy in the world and I wouldn't ask for anything more!

"Izzy, we all know somethings up, so just spill it!" Laylen said continuing to be pissed.

"For the hundredth time, I'm fine, nothings wrong!" She said jupping out of the CSR as we pulled up in her drive way. She stormed off to her room slamming the door.

"Yeah, everything is definitely fine!" Andy said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"If she's not telling us, he will!" Laylen growled cracking his knuckles.

"I'll grab the keys....again!" Andy sighed as I tangled my fingers with his, pulling myself along.

*Elizabeth's POV*

I have problems, I kissed Alex, the one person who I hated the most. Wait, I didn't kiss him, he kissed me, he was pushing my head into his. Yeah. That's what happened. Why is it so quiet all the sudden?

"Um, Andy?" I screamed stepping out of my room. No reply. Weird.

"Where'd the go?" I whispered to myself.

I walked down stairs and looked around. And then I saw something with my name on it. A note.


I really like Justin so I decided to go to Hawaii and sort things out with him. I will be back in two weeks. Sam will take care of you and buy groceries. I didn't want anything to happen while Justin was there. I have to talk to Sam and Justin about getting along. Please don't destroy the house and be good!


My mom was gone! Laylen diapered.

"Sam!" I sobbed. He didn't answer. "Sam!" I screamed louder.

"E? Is that you?" Sam asked running down the stairs. I was so stressed I couldn't help but cry.

"E, what's wrong?" He asked letting me cry on his shoulder. I handed him the note and I felt his face get hot against my cheek.

Ding ding

My phone went off. It was Andy!

Andrew: hey sorry for dispersing but were all ok

Me:where are u guys

Andrew: I'm not allowed to tell u

Me:why not

Andrew:lover boy would get mad and u would come stop him

Me: stop him from doing what

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