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(Please dont kill me!!!)

Alex POV

After dinner that night everything kinda well got worse but also better. David took Sam and Lizzy to Denver (where he now lives) along with Laylen. Laylen comes back and visits every so often and tells me about Lizzy and stuff like that. I got close to Andy and Luke. We hang out a lot. And I mean A LOT. And we go to the mall waaaayyyy to much. But I love them there my best friends. I quit the football team cause life was moving to fast. Kathryn and my 'dad' are still together and still live in there tiny house in California.

Lizzy and Laylen are planing on making a trip out here soon and they might take me, Andy and Luke with them!!!! '')

Aaron and Audrey got an apartment together and are continuing to live happily. Henry and Avery still fight like siblings....as always and miss Lizzy and Laylen terribly. All of us do.

And for Sam....him and Katie broke up again. But things are better for him. Lots better. He got used to Laylen and they are good buds and he got a job at a swimming pool so Lizzy said she loves teasing him making him jealous cause she gets to swim for free and he still has to pay. I don't know....sibling things. Sam has his own apartment down the street from his dad and sister.

Laylen's POV

"Ok sooooo I heard you liked Chinese food...." I whispered. "Annnnnd" Izzy giggled. "Annnnnd I orders Chinese food and got the best movie ever." I flicked her nose. "Pirates of the Caribbean?!?!" She gasped. I nodded and chuckled. "I LOVE YOU!" She laughed and hugged me as tight as she could. Which wasn't that hard cause she was so tiny. Hehe.

Aaron POV

"Long time no see!" I laughed spotting Henry and Avery at the store. "Aaron!" Henry cheered. "What's up guys?" I asked Audrey clinging to me. "Oh nothing we were just picking stuff up for mom but some one forgot the list and us to lazy to go back and get it so he's guessing on everything!" Avery complained shooting glares at Henry who just rolled his eyes. "Well we gotta get goin....were having dinner with my parents tonight so see ya guys!" Audrey spoke up dragging me over to the milk.

Davids POV (There dad in case you forgot (-;)

"Elizabeth!!!!" I screamed. "Yes daaad?!" She hollerd back. "Dinner!" I yelled. "But dad!!!" She whined coming down stairs. "I have plans with Laylen!!" She puppy eyed me. "Umm yeah I know.....I was telling you it was here..." I smirked. "Thanks David!" Laylen yelled running down the stairs.

Thanks so much for reading my book!!! I love you all!!! This is the end of Our Tree I hope you enjoyed it and show all your friends!! ;-) nah jk idc what you do with it. Hope you liked it and bye!!!


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