Chapter 29

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"E-elizabeth?!" The man asked. "Dad!" I whispered to my self. He remembers. After all this time. He remembered our spot. "You remembered!" He breathed, suprised. "You remembered!" I laughed. He pulled me into a hug. "I missed you!" He breathed. "Your mom kept you from me!" He sighed. "What?!?" I burst out backing away from him. He looked concerned. "What? Did she not tell you or something?!" He asked. "She told me you were dead!" I screeched. Laylen hugged my waist but I pushed him off. "Izzy! Calm down!" Laylen whispered. "Laylen?" My dad asked. I suddenly realized that he didn't know about Laylen. Well the fact that he was now my boyfriend. "H-hey David!" Laylen laughed nervously, looking between me and my dad mentally asking me for help. "Umm dad?" I said. "This is um Laylen." "Well, yeah, I know that." My dad exclaimed. " didn't let me finish. This is boyfriend...." I flinched when he snatched Laylen. "No piercings....strong hands.....ehh I guess you can keep him!" My dad joked. "Well anyway....where's Sam?!" He asked. Oh Sam! "Umm I'll have to call him meanwhile let's walk to the house....I'm sure you will be surprised." I sighed. My dad nodded and walked for the house.


"What?!" Sam spat through the phone. "Well hello to you too Sam!" I spat back. "Hey be nice!" My dad said as he walked into the house. "Who is that?!" Sam asked. "Umm I kinda need you to get to the!" I sighed ignoring his question. "Why?!" Sam asked. "Mmm baaaby!!!!!! Just hang up!!!" Katie whinned. Ew. "Umm am I interrupting something?!" I asked smirking. "Uhhh ha ummm kinda...." Sam laughed nervously. "Whatever just get home fast please!!!!" I beged. "Fine!" Same growled. Well that was easier then I expected. "I'll be there in ten minutes bye!" Same growled again and I rolled my eyes hanging up.

"He said he'd be here in ten minutes." I informed my dad. We walked into the living room. "Mooooooom?!?" I screamed. "What hun? I'm trying to cook!" My mom sighed walking out in the living room with two glasses. "D-d-d-david?!!?" My mom asked speechless dropping the glasses. And then Justin walked in. Oh this should be good. "Who?" He asked looking down at the broken glass. "Alex?" My dad asked. "David? What? Your supposed to be......" Alex trailed off. "What gives you the right to even think its ok to tell my kids I was dead?!?" My dad growled focusing in my mom. Uh oh. Sam!!!!! My mom starred dumbfounded back at him. "Answer me!" My dad demanded. "Who are you?!" Justin asked. " ..." My mom said, still starring at my dad. "And why is he here?" Justin asked. "Because I have the right to see my kids!" My dad yelled taking a step forward. Oh dear lord not again.

Laylen stepped in front of my dad. "David!" Laylen whispered outing a hand on my dads chest slightly pushing him back. "Leave my house now!" Justin growled. "Or what?" Alex laughed. "Alex!" Justin warned. "What?! You dont scare me!" Alex laughed again. "Get your ass up stairs." Justin growled. "I don't have to listen to you!" Alex smirked. "Besides." Alex laughed. "We both know I could kick your ass!" Alex sighed. What was he doing. He shot me a look. Oh!!! "Dad let's go!" I whispered passing him. "No!" He growled. Looking between Alex and Justin. "Dad!!" I whined. "No!" He spat. "What did I say?!" Justin yelled at Alex. "Nothing that mattered." Alex rolled his eyes. "You dont matter!" Alex said narrowing his eyes on his dad. Justin looked like he was going to lunge but instead shook the thought away and looked back at my dad. "Why are you still here?" "Sam suddenly asked looking at Justin. "What? This is my house." Justin protested. "Yeah ok sure!" Sam growled. "WILL YOU GUYS SHUT UP!!" I screamed out if nowhere. Whoops. "Well hello to you too E!" Sam smirked. And then his expression fadded when he saw who was next to me.

"How dare you!" He hised looking back over to mom. "Why did you lie to me?!?" Sam yelled. "You told us he died! What the FUCK is wrong with you?!?" He screamed louder. "Wha- I- you w- what?!" My mom stuttered. She looked over at me for help. I glared and sudden anger hit me. "That's our dad! What do you think you can just tell us he's dead so we wouldn't ask to see him?!? You kept me away from the only thing that actally mattered to me!!?!? I was three mom! Three!!!!" I screamed. She was shocked. Like everyone else minus Sam. We were screaming our heads off.

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