Chapter 23

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*Elizabeth's POV*

I woke up in the wrong place. I didn't know why I was at Laylen's because I remember falling asleep at Audrey' Laylen's arms.......outside? I rolled over....well I attempted to roll over but I was trapped. Laylen had his arms  around me so I couldn't move.

"Good morning beautiful!" Laylen whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my back.  "Oh good your awake! Can I move?" I giggled rolling over to face Laylen. "Oh yeah, sorry! You want an explanation?" Laylen asked raising his eyebrows. "Ummm like how I ended up outside on the porch to.." I waved my arms in the air. "Here?"  "Okay so you remember what happened last night?" He asked, sorry he brought up the subject. "Yeah." I sighed remembering my good for nothing mom. She sure had me fooled. "Well you were pretty bad so I told everyone you didn't feel to good and that I was gonna take you home. Well as usual no one was at your house so I brought you here." Laylen explained.

       I was mad. No I was pissed. My mom was going to marry Alex, Alex Bender's dad! I already was good not having to deal with him recently since he was being so nice but I didn't know if I could except the fact of me being his sisterAnd I don't think Alex is to happy about it either. And he's been really nice, yeah, but still. He's been a really bad flirt and I didn't want to put the pressure on him that he couldn't like me anymore because I was going to be his sister.

"Are you ok?" Laylen suddenly asked pulling me out of my thoughts. He pulled me close to him. That way I new I was safe and Laylen understood. "I will be , when everything gets sorted out." I sighed staring into his eyes. "Wanna stay with me until it all works out?!?" Laylen asked hopefully. I looked at him with excitement and mentally screamed. He looked at me and smiled. "Sooooo, I'll take that as a yes?" Laylen laughed squeezing me.

"I have a surprise for you!" Laylen whispered. "I don't like surprises! No one will ever tell me what they are!" I pouted. "Well then your really not gonna like this one!" He laughed. "Why not.... " "Because its not until next weekend!" He teased sitting up. "Ugggggghhhh!" I whined kicking my feet. "No fair!!"

"You two just gonna sit in here? Or do you wanna come down to breakfast?" Lilah, Laylen's mom asked pushing her way into the room. "Pancakes or biscuits and gravy?!?" I laughed jumping onto Laylen's back. "Pancakes!" Lilah laughed walking back to her office aka the kitchen.

Lilah was always in the kitchen. It was either cooking, cleaning, or finding recipes. That's why we called it her 'office'. When me and Laylen were littler, Lilah would be the mom with the snacks. I loved her so much. She was like more then my second mom.

"Yay pancakes!" Luke and Andy yelled appearing at the door. "Not so fast" Laylen growled stepping in front of Andy. "I challenge you to a race! Luke has to get on your back and first one to the kitchen wins!" Laylen announced scaring the hell out if me. "Put me down! Put me down! I am not going to be apart of this!" I screamed punching Laylen's back. God damit. Why did he have to be bigger then me. "Oh little Lizzy, this. Is. On!!!!!!!!!!!" Luke laughed jumping on Andy's back. "Uh oh!" I sighed. "On your mark, get set..........GO!!!" Laylen screamed. And they were off. Trotting down the stairs through the hallway around the living room through the dinning room and poof.....   Laylen won. By a hair!!!!

"Awwwww baby we were gonna make it!! Cheaters!!!" Luke cried jumping off Andy's back attacking Laylen witch made him let go of me and then I jumped down being caught by Andy and then he carried me into the kitchen. "Ya'know I can walk right?" I asked trying to get Andy to put me down. "No! Layly would be heart broken if you broke anything so I'm not going to let you touch the floor!" Andy teased setting me in a chair.

"Boys! Stop and come eat!" Lilah hollered setting plates of freshly made pancakes on the table. Laylen and Luke came in laughing 'play' hitting each other. Luke jumped in a seat next to me and Laylen sat next to Andy. "Battle of the ex's!" Luke laughed. "Luke, no!" I whined covering his mouth. "Mmuhwa ha w fhrurb" Luke said behind my hand. "What?" I asked........"Ewwww he licked me!!!!!" I screamed pulling back my hand and whipping on my pants. "I said, move your hand before I lick it!" Luke laughed.

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