Chapter 16

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*Laylen POV*

"Waaakkkeee uuuuuppppp!!" Izzy screamed shaking me.

"GGRRRRR!" I screamed rolling over.

"Wake up drooler!" She laughed.

"You didnt go to bed until two, how are you not tired?" I moaned facing her.

"Just get up, I have to show you something!" She laughed.

Once she dragged me up the stairs to her room she pushed me to her window.

"Look, Andy and Luke are in your room!" She screamed.

"Weren't they just down stairs?" I asked

"Must of left in the middle of the night!" She suggested.

"Why are you guys not at school?" Sam asked walking in the room eyeing me.

"Avoiding detention, how come your not at work?" I asked and then smirked. I was good at that, the smart ass comments.

He looked at me and growled "and how come this thing is here?" He asked pissing me off.

"Same reason we are here!" Audrey said walking into the room with Aaron.

"!?!?" Sam growled stepping towards me.

"Mr.Lane we are going to need your rent early this month due to you ugliness!" I growled back. Again with my smart ass.

"I'm gonna fuck you up!" Sam screamed and lunged at me.

I wired until he was in front of me to side step and watch him fall to the floor.

"Pathetic!" I said shaking my head in disappointment.

"Wanna get fucked up?" Sam asked jumping up from the ground.

"If you would like to try, I mean last time you pathetically missed and hit your sister!" I reminded him and he tried to punch me but I side stepped again and he hit the wall.

"Little rusty?" I asked smirking.

"C'mon Laylen stop let's go!" Izzy said and Audrey tried pulling me out when Sam flew his fist and I pushed her out of the way ducking.

"Laylen let's go!" Aaron growled.

"But I like toying with him!" I wined.

"You almost got my girlfriend hurt, let's go!" Aaron said stepping in front of me so I could see he was serious.

"Fine, I'll leave the monster baby alone!" I laughed as Izzy closed Sam in her room.

"Go get your keys child!" Avery said rolling her eyes as I smirked.

"What he was getting on my nerves!" I shrugged surching for the key's.

"Hurry up!" Henry said pushing me down the stairs.

"Get in the car!" I said pushing him back.

"Fine I will!" He said as we both laughed.

"You two are childish!" Izzy said grabbing her keys. Damn I wanted her to ride with me. And I think Aaron did too.

"Izzy why don't you ride with Laylen, the girls will take your car and me and Henry will ride in his!" Aaron suggested smirking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Ok!" Izzy said handing her keys to Audrey "Don't let Avery drive!" They all laughed at Izzy's comment.

"Wait where are we going?" Audrey asked.

"The park!" Aaron said in a duh voice.

Getting in the car I turned on the radio.

"What cha wanna listen to?" I asked.

"I don't care I just wanna talk to you." She shrugged.

"No radio it is then!" I laughed flipping of the radio off.

"Why do you like me?" She asked and it made my stomach turn over and feel mushy.

"W-what do y-you mean?" I asked trying to keep my self from puking.

"Why do you love me?" She asked looking out the window.

"Cause your my best friend!" I shrugged.

"Why?" She asked being the beautiful and complicated girl she was.

"Cause!" I smirked. And then she glared at me which ment, tell me or I will hold you against your will and kill you.

"Ok, ok!" I laughed.

"Because your funny, and you care about me when no one gives a fuck, ummm your sweet, you see the good in everthing!" I shrugged, I could come up with way better stuff.

"That's cute, but would you like to tell me the truth now?" She said seriously, burning her eyes into mine.

"You know when I'm not telling the truth!" I laughed looking at the park that was in front of us.

"Were here!" I said relived that I didn't have to talk about this.


*Aarons POV*

"That was boring as fuck!" I complained.

"It was your idea!" Laylen wined

"No it wasn't!" I lied.

"Yes it was!" My Audrey said kissing my cheek like she was demanding me to tell the truth.

"O-oh yeah it was!" I obeyed.

"Good boy!" She yelled from Lizzy's kitchen.

"Damn, he's not a dog!" Henry laughed.

"Sure acts like one!" Avery said giving me the death stare.

"I'm not a dog!" I shouted walking into the kitchen to get back at Audrey for embarrassing me.

"Yes you are!" Lizzy laughed.

"Why'd you do that?" I whispered in her ear and she jolted at my touch.

"Do what?" She asked turning on the sink to rinse off her plate.

"Embarrass me!" I whispered kissing her neck.

"Cause you don't ever listen unless I make you!" She laughed and turned around so she was facing me. I locked my arms around her so she couldn't move away from me.

"Aaron come help me move the TV!" Laylen screamed.

"No, have Henry help !" I screamed and leaned into Audrey so I could kiss her.

"He's weak!" Laylen wined but I ignored him and kissed my princess.

"Aaron!" Laylen screamed walking in. I flipped him off and he said "Oh never mind!"

"Henry let's go! Laylen screamed and I smiled.

"I-I have t-to go!" Audrey stuttered, and I just pushed my lips into hers again.

"A-Aaron! I'll do this later, I-I have to g-go!" She gasped as I kissed her neck.

"I miss you!" I wined

"Aaron, p-please, I-" I cut her off by kissing her. I haven't seen her for a long time, I did miss her.

I felt her hands go inside my back pockets and turn me around so she was leaning against me. She pushed into me and said "I told you I had to go!" And pushed away.

"Wait, let me take you home at least I said picking her up and bringing her to my car screaming "bye guys!"

*Elizabeths POV*

Laylen, Henry, Avery, and I were in my room hiding from Sam. Henry and Laylen were putting the TV in my room so we could sleep in there.

Avery layed on me and sinned "I'm tired!"

"Me too!" I yawned, stretching.

"Don't fall asleep!"they boys cried.

"To bad!" Avery growled in her monster voice and we both layed down on my bed and "acxidently" fell asleep.

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