Chapter 4

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I have no idea what Laylen told his girlfriend, Katie, but she was pissed ... well at first. She slapped Sam and then had a make out session with him for what seemed like forever and then disappeared into his room so that kinda failed,but he hasn't seen his car yet and ha still doesn't know who did it.

The guys and I were laying under the tree until Aaron said his mom needed him and Henry said he felt awkward so he was leaving and that earned him a smack in the face by me. Laylen and I were excited to climb in the tree and talk.

"So, beautiful how are you?" Laylen asked me and even though I couldn't see him I knew he was smiling really big. Knowing that he had made me blush he said " Ya'know I like the way you react to me when I complement you, you look so cute trying not to blush over there."

"Well I'm glad I please you" I said continuing to blush.

"Ha you don't please me you just make me laugh at your adorableness" he said pinching my cheeks.

"Well then I'm glad I amuse you" I said flinching when he twirled my hair in his fingers.

"I want to tell you a secret ok?"

"Ok" I said happily changing the subject was cool for me

"I hate your brother!"

"Laylen that's not a secret you told me when I was like six or seven."

"Oh then what do you want me to tell you?"he asked anxiously

"Ummm" I said thinking out loud "what were you talking about before I got to the tree earlier? I asked curiously

"I told them to not embarrass you but they clearly did that anyway" he said angrily well what did you talk about with Henry?

When he asked me I didn't know if i should tell him or not because I didnt want it to be awkward."When you told him no more stupid shit I may have blushed and then he asked me if I liked you and-" he cut me off before I could finish.

"That stupid ass shit stain!"he said with so much anger it kind of scared me and I think he noticed.

"I-I'm sorry Izzy, it's just Aaron and Henry really want me to get a ... girlfriend and when we were ten they told me that I should ask you out and I told them I'm not going to because we're just friends and I don't want to be your boyfriend because they wanted me to."He explained to me.

I nodded and said"Oh ok well guess what!"

"What?" He asked smiling

"I keep dreaming of when we were little kids and last night it was us finding this - he finished for me

"Tree and ran from your brother" he said ducking under a branch sitting next to me.

"Yeah" I said with a sigh "I miss us, well you know when we were little."

"Me too and that's cute that you keep having dreams of us together as little kids. Hey remember that time I attacked your brother for saying that I wasn't allowed to be your friend?"

"Ha,yeah that was fun times wasn't it?" I asked leaning my head on his sholder.

"Yup" he replied playing with my hair.

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