Chapter 3: The Dark Hour

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The credit for the art above is LudoMako on Deviant Art. Any way I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Everything in the dorm instantly turned off when the clock hit twelve. I give a smile and then say "Lets get going shall we." I grab the evoker and a holster for it around my waist, then I looked at Mitsuru and Akihiko wearing there school uniform, I give a odd look but didn't care to much to ask why. Me, Akihiko, and Mitsuru walk outside to see the world with a green sky and coffins standing nearby. "Still creeps me out after all these years of seeing it." I stop for a second to think 'where is Tartarus ?' "Hey one question, where is Tartarus?" Mitsuru looks at me to then say.

"Its Gekkoukan, did Akihiko not tell you that." Akihiko suddenly speeds up and Mitsuru sighs "Basically Gekkoukan turns into a giant tower which is also a labyrinth." after Mitsuru's explanation the was one question on my mind 'how tall is it? Guess I'll figure it out when I see it.' "Normally we go to Gekkoukan before the dark hour begins because then we can use the monorail but since we left late we have to take the long way, which is a bridge." I give a simple nod for what Mitsuru said. 

*CRASH* Just then we hear a crashing noise up ahead. We both run to where we heard the noise to see Akihiko surrounded by 8 dark blobs with arms protruding out of them. 'Shit Akihiko is being beat into the dirt.' "Penthesilea!" I then see Mitsuru point the evoker to her head and pull the trigger. I then see what I presume are persona's dual wielding swords. Then the persona impales one of the things I think are shadows. I look over to Mitsuru to see a shadow behind her. 

"Mitsuru behind you!" It was to late though, Mitsuru was then hit in the back by the shadow, knocking her evoker and rapier out of her hand.  She was then surrounded by shadows 'Fuck Mitsuru's surrounded, Akihiko is surrounded but can still active his persona, I need to help Mitsuru.' I take the evoker out of it's holster and aim it at my head. 

Then I hear a voice in my head with harsh, distorted, high pitch, voice say "Finally you do something with your life, what's not suicide." 

"Persona." in one soft spoken breath I pulled the trigger. I felt power serge through me that me tense every bone in my body. I then see a metallic person wearing a blue cape, ancient Greek helmet holding a sword and shield with a sun on it, 'So this is my persona'. Then my persona slashed through the shadows surrounding Mitsuru.

 Then I hear my persona speaking to me "Thou art I, and I am thou. From the sea of thy soul I cometh. I am Alexander , master of war." Then Alexander disappeared into thin air.

I look over to Akihiko to still see him fighting shadows. 'Damn he can't get a hit without getting het himself, fuck I feel tired from activating my persona earlier but Akihiko needs my help. Got to help him I can't let him I die I won't allow it.' I draw the evoker back to my head to then hear the same harsh voice again "You have been able to survive multiple suicide attempts and being able to survive my torture. So I'll deal with those weak pieces of shit!"

Mitsuru's POV

After Y/N's help I went to grab my weapons from the ground but then I hear Akihiko struggling to fight the pack of shadows. I was now rushing to get my evoker and rapier but then I see Y/N picking up my rapier to then hear him say in a harsh, high pitch voice "Don't worry I've got this." 

I see him run over to where the shadows were and then put the rapier through the shadows head then the shadow disintegrated into black smoke. Another shadow tried to attack Y/N but he grabbed the arm of shadow and then crushed it. "Who's next." Y/N's voice sounded like if insanity was a person. The next thing to happen was that the shadows disappeared, "Pathetic." it was the same voice as last time but when Y/N spoke small amount of blood came out of his mouth. 

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