Chapter 5: Wake up

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Minato's POV

I slowly awake to hear the sound of a piano and then see that I'm back in the Velvet again with Igor, Elizabeth, Theodore standing in front of me, and my sister standing beside me.   

Igor: "It's so nice to see you again. You became unconscious after awakening to your power. It's nothing to worry about, though. So, just relax. By the way... I see that it was Orpheus that heeded your calls. That power is called a persona... Is is a manifestation of your psyche."

Hamuko: "Persona?" 

Igor: "A persona is a facet of your personality that surfaces as you react to external stimuli... You can think of it as a mask that protects you as you brave many hardships. 

Minato: "A mask?" 

Igor: " When you use you persona ability, you must channel your inner strength. The ability evolves as you develop you Social Links--your emotional ties with others. The stronger your Social Links, the more powerful your persona ability. Please remember that. Now, then... Time marches on in your world. I shouldn't keep you here any longer. Next time we meet, you will come here of your own accord. Until then... Farewell."

Then everything fades to black. I then awake again and feel someone else's presence in the room.

Yukari: "You're awake...! Um, how do you feel?"

Minato: "Why are you here?"

Yukari: "You saved my life, you know... so I couldn't just leave you here. The doctor couldn't find anything wrong with you. He said you were just exhausted... But, you kept sleeping and sleeping. You know how worried I was? Um... I'm sorry I couldn't do anything... Even though I was supposed to protect you. I... But, your power... It was amazing."

Minato: "What'd I do?"

Yukari: "The power you used... We call it persona. And those creatures you defeated are shadows--our enemy. We'll explain everything later. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before... I, uh... I want to tell you that... I'm sorta like you."

Minato: "What do you mean?"

Yukari: "My dad died in an accident when I was little... And my mom and I aren't exactly on good terms... You're all alone too, right? To be honest, I already know about your past... But, it didn't seem fair, so I wanted you to know about mine... It was back in '05... There was a big explosion in the area. Supposedly, my dad died in the blast, but nobody really knows what happened... He was working in a lab run by the Kirijo Group. So, I'm hoping that if I stick around long enough, I'll find out something. That's why I'm going to Gekkoukan High, and why I was there when this happened to you. Of course, I panicked and wasn't much help... It was my first time fighting them, too. I'm sorry... You wouldn't have to go through all this if I wasn't such a coward..."

Minato: "It's not your fault."

Yukari: Thanks... but still. And here I am telling you all this the minute you wake up. While I was waiting, I thought to myself, I've been hiding so many things from him... As soon as he wakes up, I'll tell him the truth." So, thanks for listening. I've been waiting to that story with someone for a long time. Alright, I'm gonna get going. I'll let the others know you woke up. Take it easy, okay? Be a good patient! And don't hesitate to call the nurse. I'm sure she'll take good care of you."

Minato: "Hey, do you know how my sister is?"

Yukari: "I don't know, Y/n's in there right now though so I can get him to tell you if she's alright."

Minato: "It's alright. Thank you."

Yukari then begins to leave 

Yukari: "Bye."

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