Chapter 21: What Can I Do

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8/17/15 Workshop Midday Y/N POV

The smell of wood on my workbench filled my nostrils as I continued working on my weapon. The eyes of someone watching me do my craft affected my performance.

Y/N: "Why did you want to watch me do this, Ken?"

Ken: "Well... I wanted to learn some new skills."

I looked straight at him and analysed his body movements to see if he hid anything.

Insanity: 'He's lying. Done this enough times to tell that he's hiding something.'

Y/N: "Real reason, tell me."

Ken looks at me with a nervous glance.

Ken: I... Um, well... I wanted to learn something... That would make me seem more mature."

I could feel the embarrassment radiant from his body, but his embarrassment reminded me of myself.

Y/N: "Want to seem more mature. I know the feeling. Why did you want to learn from me?"

Ken: "Because with your life and all, you seem like the only person to understand me."

Y/N: "Me. Not Minato, Hamuko, Aki, Shinji?"

Ken: "Well, they're not too open."

Y/N: "Hamuko not being open. Are you thinking about the same person."

Ken: "Hamuko is open... but she's different. You were raised to be mature and respectable."

Y/N: "I was raised to be other things, too, but I chose to be myself. I still respect their wishes, but not all of them align with how I view the world."

Ken: "How do you view the world?"

Y/N: "To hate no one and respect other people's choices even if they don't align with mine. To simplify it, love everyone. But don't let my words affect your view because you need to decide how you view the world to become more mature."

Ken: "Um... Thank you for the words."

Y/N: "Hey, if you ever need help to become more mature, I'm happy to help."

Ken: "That would be acceptable."

I then see a tarot card float in my direct line of sight.

 Arcana: 'Thou aren't I... And I am thou... Thou hast increase their bond... It brings closer to the truth... Thou hast increased the Justice arcana to their second level.'

The tarot card disappears. 

Insanity: 'Interesting use of words. Like acceptable, does that mean nice, or will it suffice for now? What does he mean?'

Y/N (Thoughts): 'Fuck, what does he mean... shit, reply before it becomes awkward.

Y/N: "Um... Get me anytime. I'll be happy to help."

Insanity: 'You said that already.'

Y/N (Thoughts): 'Fuck. Now he's going to think I'm weird for repeating the same thing, and he's going to lose all respe-'

Ken: "I'll come talk to you soon then."

He then gets up and leaves.

Ken: "Goodbye, Y/N."

Y/N: "See ya."

Once he walked out the door, I sat down on a nearby chair.

Y/N: "He's already quite mature for his age."

Insanity: 'So were you.'

Y/N: "Depression shaped me."

Insanity: 'It might have also shaped Ken.'

Improving Eyes (Persona 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now