Chapter 7: The World's True Emotion

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Y/N POV 21/4/15 Iwatodai dorm 

I hear a high pitch noise coming behind me waking me from my sleep.

Y/N: "I'm up you so you can stop before you wake up the others."

The noise stop then Y/N picks up the noise producing glasses and wears them.

Y/N: "We've got to change that to something... More pleasant for the ears."

Steve: "Want me to put as a reminder?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Fucking hell why did you make it so loud."

Steve: "That was your doing when you wrote my program."

Y/N: "Shut up or do you want to go back in the laptop."

Steve: "No, but if you want me to I could."

Y/N: "No, don't do that, it was a joke."

Steve: "I see. Also you need to get out of bed and cook breakfast." 

Y/N: "Aargh. Can you play the Xenoblade OST."

Steve: "Yes."

When I finished getting dress I went down to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast for myself. After a small bit of time I sat at the table with my sitting in front of me.

Y/N: "Steve,  show me the time and the times when everyone normally wakes up?"

Then the glasses show the time and the time everyone wakes up on one side of the lenses.

Y/N: "5:47, Akihiko normally wakes up at 5:00 but goes out to train and comes back at 5:50... So I should start making him breakfast now. Then start working on Mitsuru, Yukari, Junpei, Minato, and lastly Hamuko. God, why can't everyone just wake up at the same time *sigh*." 

When I finished eating my Breakfast I started to work on Aki's. Aki then walks in the dorm and sits down on one of the couches. 

Y/N: "Hey Aki, how was training."

Aki: "Good, didn't know you wake up this early... What are you doing exactly?"

Y/N: "Cooking yours and Mitsuru's breakfast then everyone else's later."

I come walking out with plates and place them down on the table. Aki then gets up from the couch and walks over where I put his food, he then pulls out a chair and starts eating.

Aki: "This is good. Okay on question about what you said earlier... How do you know that me and Mitsuru will be up first?"

Y/N: "I trained with for a month and you always come and grab at 5:00 so I assumed you train at 5:00 or earlier and I know Mitsuru because I'm like her bother and I walked to school with her yesterday."

Aki give me nod and goes back eating his food, then Mitsuru then walks down the stairs.

Mitsuru: "Good morning. I see that you cooked breakfast Y/N. Let's it's as good as last time."

Y/N: "Morning. And it will be the best thing you ever eat for breakfast in a long while."

Mitsuru bites into her food and swallow, then she goes for another bite after that time she swallow she looks at me.

Mitsuru: "You have me impress once again Y/N."

Y/N: "Thanks Mitsuru. Also can you show me where the student council room is because I have no idea where it is."

Mitsuru: "I'll show when class finishes."

Y/N: "Thanks, your a life saver." 

  Aki: "You doing student council."

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