Chapter 12: Recruitment

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So the first person who commented on the last chapter was @Zxlayer saying "I'm not sure if I'm first but If I am cool." Zxlayer didn't actually comment. The comment that Zxlayer typed was "*Insert comment about how I think I am the first to comment something*" I could have done something worse but the message he replied when I told him he won. He was very kind so I gave him a nice message. I'm sorry if I offended you by calling you a male just tell me that you're a female and I'll change it. On a different note I will do another one of these if the book gets to 2k reads. Enjoy the chapter.

Y/N POV Velvet Room

I open my eyes to see that I'm back in the blue interior of a car.

Igor: "It's so nice to see you again. It seems that you started a social link since we last met. That's wonderful news. But you also unlocked a new power that no one has been able to withstand. How peculiar."

Y/N: "Wait, I've started a social link?"

Igor: "Yes you have, but it is different."

Y/N: "How is it different?"

Igor: "Well you see."

Igor then summons the world tarot card.

Igor: "The social link you obtain is the reverse world."

Y/N: "What's wrong with that?"

Igor: "Social links are normally not reversed. If the social reverse it means that you can't increase the social link, but you can still increase your social link."

Y/N: "What does the reverse world mean?"

Margaret: "The reverse world means incompletion, and no closure."

High Pitch Voice: "Sounds about right."

Y/N: "What the?"

I look to my right to see me but my clothes are ripped, my eyes are red, there are cuts all over my body, and a noose around my neck.

Y/N: "Who are you?"

High Pitch Voice: "I'm your insanity."

Y/N: "Why do you look like that?"

Insanity: "I'm your insanity, I take the form of you but with all your physical pain you done to yourself."

Y/N: "Makes sense. So what will happen if I complete that social link?"

Igor: "That is to be found out in the future. For now you will have to find more social links to help your future struggle. That is all for now, it's time for you to wake up."

I then close my eyes to reopen them in the dorm lounge.

Steve: "I see that you're finally awake."

Y/N: "How long was I asleep for?"

Steve: "Since you went to bed at 1:30 last night and it's currently 11:00 you've been sleeping for 9 hours and 30 minutes."

Y/N: "What! Why did nobody try to wake me?"

Steve: "They did try. When Mitsuru tried to wake you, you told her to fuck off in your words."

Y/N: "Ok, sounds like me. What did the others try to do?"

Steve: "Hamuko tried to push you off the couch but Minato stopped her. Yukari suggested pouring water on you, but no one wanted to do that. Akihiko left school early so he didn't wake you up and Junpei left you alone."

Y/N: "Ok, make a reminder to never trust the girls. Also what happened to Fuuka?"

Steve: "Her parents are picking her up at twelve."

Improving Eyes (Persona 3 x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now